does anyone know any alternatives to Musi where you can stream any video or music from youtube and it plays in the background if you leave the app. i rlly dont want to pay for youtube music or spotify because i listen to a lot of underground bands that are only available on youtube
Just download audio files directly to your device and play them with any media player. VLC definitely plays music even when you switch away from the app.
Adolf Hitler - go to this post
Just download audio files directly to your device and play them with any media player. VLC definitely plays music even when you switch away from the app.
Now was being nice and useful that hard
Adolf Hitler - go to this post
Just download audio files directly to your device and play them with any media player. VLC definitely plays music even when you switch away from the app.
Frail nerd. No one is going to take the thyme to download 3000 songs to their device to listen to.
I personally use an iPod. All the plastic has been stained yellow over time but that's just a result of age and nothing else at all.
VikingGigaChad - go to this post
Frail nerd. No one is going to take the thyme to download 3000 songs to their device to listen to.
Ever heard of autism, pal? Well you should have considering you're on these here boards.
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