The dissolution of the soviet union was in 1991.
Poland's population was growing until that occurred.
Say what you will about communism but it's really impressive that there was such a dramatic change in demographics due to a change in administration.
For reference, America doesn't seem to have any problem with an increase in population.
At least nothing that has ever happened in the past hundred years seems to have changed anything about the rate of population growth.
Robert Adamant - go to this post
The dissolution of the soviet union was in 1991.
Poland's population was growing until that occurred.
Say what you will about communism but it's really impressive that there was such a dramatic change in demographics due to a change in administration.
This is because once the soviet union fell, people were allowed to flee without being followed by machine gun fire, jackass. Poland is also a very right wing state and they are very anti-immigration, while still being a somewhat "modern" society, hence the decline continuing. The United States population would be shrinking were it not for immigration. Statistics can and are used to lie and cannot be relied on without greater research and knowledge due to how easy it is to misinterpret them, intentionally or not.
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