Main Thread - Trump Elected

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The Associated Press calls the election for Donald J. Trump. A remarkable comeback for a man who just earlier this year faced potential jail time. While Im aware that there's already a Trump thread I felt it was necessary to make a separate one for Trump's win.

MAGA 2024 - Success

It's really strange, i almost feel relieved. If he didn't win there would have certainly been civil unrest and maybe a war before April led by all of the militia groups in America.
When the tariffs actually start taking effect and America closes itself off from the world the countries that relied on american trade to survive will begin to starve and start wars.
large scale kinetic conflict is inevitable for the 2020s but I think this at least bought a couple months or maybe even a couple years.
Either way, because Trump was elected it will be other countries that are starving, they won't be able to reach America.


Best case scenario:
Trump enters office, the tariffs are made law, China attacks Taiwan, America defends Taiwan, America attacks mainland China, war continues until Trump dies in office 20 years from now.

Mr Egg

3 weeks ago Moderator

Robert Adamant - go to this post


let's be honest, redneck hicks don't want a woman, let alone a NIGGER as their president, can't really blame them

Trump is TOO BIG TO NIG!

I have eated pizzer to celebrate

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