I do not want Kamala Niggeris to win the presidential erection oops I mean election. Women cannot run for president as they are too smooth-brained to make any big decisions. Cumala doesn't even know what she wants to eat for dinner (probably cum). I hope Trump wins and fixes this country since Sleepy Joe has left it in shambles.
Metaesoposting to keep this so-called forum "active". This shitty post contains nothing of substance considering everyone on here is a diehard republican voter. At best the replies to this thread (if any) would simply be a massive circlejerk.
Private Akefu - go to this post
Metaesoposting to keep this so-called forum "active". This shitty post contains nothing of substance considering everyone on here is a diehard republican voter. At best the replies to this thread (if any) would simply be a massive circlejerk.
Kamala isn't going to suck your dick
jk maybe she will if you asked her really nicely
BatOwl - go to this post
Kamala isn't going to suck your dick
Strawman argument, I'll pass.
Trying to twist my words because you are either incapable of reading or you want to fake activity on your "forum".
Kamala Harris is a sockpuppet of the Deep State. She has NO policy for America other than to let millions of illegals over the border! We are in desperate need of Saint Trump.
Private Akefu - go to this post
Metaesoposting to keep this so-called forum "active". This shitty post contains nothing of substance considering everyone on here is a diehard republican voter. At best the replies to this thread (if any) would simply be a massive circlejerk.
Look at this fake liberal account, probably created by Nancy Pelosi. It's so sad, folks, but we're used to it by now. That's why Trump is going to win, because people are tired of the deep state trampling on their constitutional rights, like the right to say the word NIGGER!
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