Happy birthday to me!
what were some notable things that have happened in this past year for you?
Happy birthday.
Robert Adamant - go to this post
what were some notable things that have happened in this past year for you?
just say happy birthday retard
Mr Egg - go to this post
just say happy birthday retard
no tell me notable things. has your genitals changed over past year? do smell different? tell me
Mr Egg - go to this post
just say happy birthday retard
There isn't any other way i could tell if your use of this last year is actually a happy occasion or if you have remained stagnant.
Fagbert Sadament - go to this post
no tell me notable things. has your genitals changed over past year? do smell different? tell me
also this
No one cares nerd
I got you a gift and it starts with a L and ends with a G
Evil Carrots - go to this post
I got you a gift and it starts with a L and ends with a G
A log?
Standing in the Taco Bell lay the acolytes of poom
And laughing all around me hang the janitors of the room
And your throte will be clogged soon
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