You can tell a midwit without exception from belief in Labor Theory of Value. LTV is just complicated enough to tickle the fancy of these arrogant bell-curve-hump-riders and just incorrect enough that no person of actual high intellect would believe in it.
Wage labor is slavery with the only difference being that the owners are only renting human labor.
The best system of labor I've found is in monasteries.
Basically the way it's done is have a rigorous system of "vibe checking" people.
If someone fails a vibe check they risk being cast out from the monastery.
When everyone passes the vibe check they are clothed, fed and housed by the father of a monastery.
something emblematic of how this works in having everyone pray every 3 hours, including having everyone wake up in the middle of the night to pray together.
It doesn't have to be founded in any specific religion but the most critical thing to labor is just making sure you don't have freeloaders.
The Rule of Saint Benedict is what people should be reading instead of every economic ideology book.
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