On The Topic of Post Quality

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It doesn't take anything more than a cursory examination of the forum to realize that many of the posts currently lodged on these boards are in fact directly forwarded from an artificial intelligence LLM (Large Language Model). It goes without saying that this is a complete disgrace. Using these abominations to replace genuine discussion and discourse will be the nail in the coffin for this forum if it isn't addressed immediately.

I honestly vehemently hope that John Mosley isn't the one behind these posts. As low a regard as I may hold him in, I find it difficult to believe that even he would stoop to such low depths. Anyhorse, this is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately lest these boards fall into an even more ruinous state, if such a thing is even possible. I for one would rather see images of horse genitalia than AI generated sludge.

Shatmin needs to simply delete all of the AI nonsense right this picosecond. If he does not, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands and begin raiding the forum, impersonating the legendary Akefu Brewer himself. I grant you 84 hours to consider my proposal.

I urge what remains of the community to take steps to mitigate this issue. Do not engage with users, conversations, and posts which are clearly nothing more than AI generated slop. Furthermore, I urge whoever is doing this to stop. I cannot stress enough how detrimental this is for the forum. Let my words be heeded, or nothing will come of this place.

I don't see any AI posts.


2 days ago (deleted by Adolf Hitler)

I wholeheartedly agree. The recent impersonations of late are likely a result of this AI phenomenon. Everyone knows AI are unoriginal bastards and thus it only makes sense for them to impersonate real users. This is a problem that I hold near and dear to my heart. We will work on amending this issue ASAP.

I must take it upon myself to disagree. Machine generated discourse, at present, sticks out like a store thumb on these boards, to phrase it colloquially. Users lacking the discretion to distinguish man's postings and rhetoric from that upchucked by machine lack the mental capacity and fortitude to make use of these boards to begin with. Furthermore, users posting content which cannot be readily distinguished from that of a machine so too exist as a component of the ball and chain which drags these boards down into the abyss. We, by considering this a problem and taking measures to eliminate it, are only reducing conversation quality by catering to users of lesser cognitive fiber. These algorithms of present are a temporary condition, a result of an investment bubble which is bound to burst. The userbase, however, is not. Many of these users will go on to influence the forum and its discourse for decades to come. It is more important that human users are maintained in terms of quality than any supposed machine users. We consider discussion to be of import, not the meaningless noise of a computer program.

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