I’m 21f and never really wanted to shave my leg hair it doesn’t really look like a lot since when I’m in the sun they turn blonde but genuinely curious would you date a girl with leg hair? 5,3ft and 125lbs. I don't shave my armpits and may have some hair on my crotch. But I just also believe leg hair should be there for warmth especially in the colder months it doesn’t bother me that it is there. But a lot of women say to shave it off because you’ll never find a boyfriend ??
whatever you can do to make yourself look like you just started going through puberty generally seems to work for women.
Robert Adamant - go to this post
whatever you can do to make yourself look like you just started going through puberty generally seems to work for women.
Ok pedophile. Now face the wall.
Manne - go to this post
Ok pedophile. Now face the wall.
Eat pant roastie.
5'3 and 125 lbs? lose some weight
Robert Adamant - go to this post
Eat pant roastie.
Oh my heck you posted EVERDENCE from a random soyrce! Looks like they're gonna have to believe you now.
That moment when a graph is used to supplement what is supposed to be a constructive argument about an intuitive subject.
I actually have to agree with Robert for once. Every married women's worst fear-especially if they are middle aged-is being left or cheated on with a younger woman.
When women hit their mid 20s they start to develop stretchmarks and their metabolism slows down. This gets worse if they have given birth to children. The breasts start to sag and the facecard declines since women age poorly compared to men. A man in his 40s is not going to be attracted to a woman around his age as he would be a 17-19 year old woman with a youthful appearance and a healthier looking physique.
I can use myself as an example; my breasts used to be fuller when I was around 16-17 and now they aren't as full and round and firm as they used to be, could also be because of slight weight gain and being on a year of birth control, but it is mostly because I have aged a few years, now they r just squishy and are sort of just there and it makes me feel upset sometimes which is a normal feeling when you start losing your developed teenage body.
Anyway, most men develop erectile dysfunction when they are like 35 and their wives have gotten fat so it's not like they can satisfy a younger woman to begin with.
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