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Kill em? Dont kill em? Or are they even right? Share your thought below.

Slavic Nazis, I frankly don't know where I stand with the Slavs.
They're certainly inferior to the NW Europeans but of all the races they are the least inferior.
In terms of who would be best to enslave it would have to be Slavs and the biggest mistake of the past couple centuries was forgetting that.
Poland is a really great place to live now because they didn't just have the Nazis but also the Slav Nazis clean up their land.
It is perfectly ethnically homogenous and the government is progressive in the truest sense of the word and not bowing to the fake progressivism of trannies.
Thanks to the Commies and Nazis I would very easily say I would want to have a Polish guy doing IT work long before any other race.

Robert Adamant

Yesterday (edited by Robert Adamant Yesterday)

CD Projekt Red is Polish btw

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