Fuck Mr. Schrute

feminists liberals libtards mr. schrute retards roasts 
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Mr. Schrute is a girly little libtard with no muscle, no testicles, and no testosterone. Only weak little bitch boys support feminism because they are completely helpless and worthless in the face of REAL MEN. They simply can't compete.

Furthermore, so-called "feminist" men are nothing more than wolves in sheep's clothing. They are just as ravenous and single-mindedly vulgar as ordinary men. Their feminism is a way to put women at ease, and lure them into a false sense of security. In reality, these soyboy ass niggas want nothing more than to pork the very same women they claim to ally themselves with. If you're only interested in smashing bitches, you may as well grow a pair, be a REAL MAN, and just own up to it. Be more like Strong Steve, niggas.

Schrute is a faggot, yes. I am with Strong Steve on this one.

I remember this guy from the old forum. Dude just bitched and complained about everything. It's good since he gives grief to Mosley so I support the lad.

If you are going to give grief to my boyfriend you have to go through me first!

Candace - go to this post

If you are going to give grief to my boyfriend you have to go through me first!

Fine, skank. I'll go through 10,000 bitches to give John grief. Try me.

Sounds like I got under Mosley's skin with minimal effort. It appears I win as per the usual. John and his goons are too easy. And no, male feminists are not necessarily wolves in sheep's clothing. Some of us, at least, are just nice guys and decent human beings which for some unfathomable reason is too much to ask for when it comes to the majority of the population.

Candace - go to this post

If you are going to give grief to my boyfriend you have to go through me first!

Your so-called boyfriend is going to give you physical and mental diseases if he hasn't already. Consider this a courtesy: stay away from that man. Nothing good comes of him and his abject insanity. He does nothing but destroy, shattering hopes and dreams in his wake.

Candace - go to this post

If you are going to give grief to my boyfriend you have to go through me first!

He's not your boyfriend, floozy. Keep your slutty hands off of him. I'll fucking cut you .

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