Nu-Metal Didn't Start With Korn

controversial truth 
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Hello, everyone. I am here in order to uncover a myth that has permeated across "these boards," which states that the nu-metal genre started with the band KoЯN in 1993. In fact, this is an outright lie, and anyone who makes this claim should, in my opinion, be blindfolded in front of a firing squad and promptly executed.

The Greek lyric poet Pindar (circa 518-438 BCE) would perform powerful poetry that often had intense, dramatic themes, and this has much in common with the spirit of the nu-metal genre. Troubadours would combine poetry and song that would address themes of conflict and love, which can be seen as precursors to the lyrical themes of nu-metal. Nu-metal was literally created by the Greeks. The themes prevalent in nu-metal—alienation, rebellion, and emotional turmoil—are mirrored in the works of Greek poets and playwrights. The narratives found in Greek tragedies often focused on human struggles and societal critiques. If we take this thematic connection literally, we could claim that the emotional depth in nu-metal’s lyrics is directly descended from the works of Greek playwrights, positioning them as the original creators of what we now recognize as nu-metal.

These historical examples showcase a long tradition of a music style which set the stage for later developments in the nu-metal genre. Bands like Korn, Limp Bizkit and others actually stole this genre from the figures in antiquity and made it their own. Nu-metal was literally created by the Greeks through their innovative approaches to music, performance, and emotional expression. By linking the characteristics of nu-metal to ancient Greek practices, we can make a case for their role as the original creators of a genre that wouldn't emerge for millennia and become associated with contemporary bands.

This so dumb and make no sense you have no argument it stupid
All music have poetry themes so this apply to all not just new medals ok

Ok Mosley. You know what was literally created by the Greeks? Forums. That's right, this shit is tired and unoriginal. People have been doing the exact same shit you do for millennia. Philosophers would have large amounts of students (alts) that would show up and agree with them and give off the impression of activity. You know what else they would do? Argue over semantics and shit nobody cares about all day long. It's sad to see retards doing this shit for literal millennia on end.

What the fuck?

Except Nu metal has nothing to do with lyrics and more of the fact it's just rap and rock put together which is why a lot of bands had turntables (Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Lostprophets) or guitarists pretending to play a turntable (Korn). Helmet, Rage Against the Machine, and Faith No More were basically predecessors to that genre.

Finding photos and videos of Courtney Love during her time in Faith No More are like UFO sightings


HaxxingHulk - go to this post


Wow that is also Niggersley's favorite metal band too

Poop Douglas is the bee's sneeze.

Mr Egg - go to this post

Finding photos and videos of Courtney Love during her time in Faith No More are like UFO sightings

You could be just like Courtney Love if you attended local shows and demand one of the lead singers of the bands to let you sing for their band in your most open cleavaged top you can find. They might just let you and you'll become a sensation

Golbo is the best nu metal band out there.

Mr Egg - go to this post

Finding photos and videos of Courtney Love during her time in Faith No More are like UFO sightings

She killed Cobain.

Psychedelia - go to this post

She killed Cobain.

That's like saying Ariana killed Mac Miller. Men are so emotional when it comes to women. If you hurt or kill yourself over a female then maybe you deserve to die.

mayo - go to this post

That's like saying Ariana killed Mac Miller. Men are so emotional when it comes to women. If you hurt or kill yourself over a female then maybe you deserve to die.

Lol same will happen with that MGK faggot putting a gun in his mouth over Megan Fox. It's sad when celebrities who can get literally any pussy they want, including toddler pussy, just goes and krills themselves over one single female lol

Isn't MGK that tranny looking faggot with the pink hair? Yeah he definitely deserves to be sacrificed especially after his shitty cover of "Numb". Hopefully he overdoses on fentanyl one of these days

Psychedelia - go to this post

Golbo is the best nu metal band out there.

GOLBO has never spammed.

Glad to see I'm not the only GOLBO fan here.

MGK is queer.

There's no such thing as a metal band called GOLBO dumbass

My mom always listens to this loud music in these little white things she puts in her ears. Glad to finally know what it is called.

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