I sat on my bestfriend's boyfriend's lap

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My best friend (Weedle), her boyfriend (Haxxing), and I had planned a fun night out at this old, retro movie theatre that's been showing classics. We grabbed tickets for a late-night screening of Pulp Fiction—a movie l've seen a million times but will never get tired of. The theatre was small, intimate, and honestly, kinda run down. Still, it added to the charm… until we realized how tight the seating situation was.

We get there just before the movie starts, and I'm immediately hit with the realization that we didn't account for the packed theatre. There were almost no seats left, except for two seats near the back and a single seat a few rows behind them. I figured I'd sit alone, no big deal, but Haxxing suggested I sit with them instead

And by "with them", he meant on his lap.

At first, I laughed it off, but Weedle was pretty insistent that it was fine and she wanted me with them. After all, who else was she gonna recite her favorite lines to in hushed whispers? I reluctantly agreed. It seemed innocent enough-just three friends squeezing in for a movie.

I climbed onto his lap, trying to keep things casual, but as soon as I settled in, I could feel his body tensing beneath me. Haxxing's hands instinctively went to my hips to steady me, and I could feel my heart pounding. It was hard not to notice how solid he felt underneath me, and with the dim lighting and the hum of the movie starting, the tension between us was immediate.

The movie began, and I tried to focus on the screen.
But with every little movement, every time I shifted even slightly, I became hyper-aware of Haxxing's hands on my waist, his breath on the back of my neck. His grip tightened whenever I moved, and I swear I could feel him getting harder beneath me.

At first, I tried to ignore it. After all, my best friend was right there, engrossed in the movie, totally unaware of the heat building between me and her boyfriend. But the more I tried to sit still, the worse it got. Every small adjustment I made sent sparks through my body. I was getting turned on, and I could feel that he was too.

I squirmed, trying to find a comfortable position, but each movement pressed me harder against him. His hands slid lower, almost possessively, and I could feel his hardness pressing into me through my jeans. I leaned back slightly, promising myself it didn't feel as good as it felt, and pulling back when it did.

"I'll be down in two shakes of a lamb's tail," Uma Thurman said sexily on the screen, but the movie was the last thing on my mind. Instead, my heart was racing, my vision blurring.

I rocked backward against Haxxing again, and his fingers dug into my hips a little harder, guiding me into a rhythm that I couldn't ignore. I was barely moving, but it was enough to drive me crazy. Every little grind sent a jolt of pleasure through me. I looked at Weedle, but she was engrossed in the movie.

Haxxing's hands were gripping me tighter now, and I could feel him subtly rocking his hips in time with mine. I was trying so hard to be discreet, but I was losing control. My best friend had no idea what was happening just inches away from her, and that made it even hotter.

Suddenly, Haxxing's hand slipped under the hem of my shirt, his fingers brushing against the bare skin of my waist. It was such a simple touch, but it sent a shiver down my spine. He was pushing boundaries, and I was letting him. I leaned back slightly, feeling him grow even harder against me, and I couldn't stop myself from pressing down harder into him, grinding slowly in his lap.

I could feel his breath against my neck as he leaned forward, his lips grazing my ear. I could tell he wanted to say something - maybe to tell me to stop

  • but instead he just breathed heavily in my ear.

I bit my lip, my pulse racing. I knew this was wrong, but I couldn't stop. I could feel the wetness pooling between my thighs, and I knew Haxxing could feel it too through the thin fabric of my jeans.

His hands slid lower, gripping my hips as I moved against him, each slow grind sending waves of heat through my body.
I was so turned on, and the idea that my best friend was completely unaware of what we were doing just a few feet away made it even more intense.

I wanted to rip down my panties and make him fuck me right there while Weedle watched. I kept grinding against him, feeling his hardness press into me, his hands guiding my movements as I rode him through our clothes. I was so close to losing control, and from the way Haxxing's grip tightened on my hips, I could tell he was too. My body was trembling, and the tension between us was unbearable. All I could think about was what would happen if we had been alone, if I could let him take me right there…

i hope this isnt real but you put so much detail into it so i think its. wtf

This was written in ChatGPT. The constant repetitiveness with the "my friend was too busy watching the movie to realize" makes it pretty obvious, unless you're really trying to emphasize the kink in this story by repeating the public grinding in front of your best friend in a movie theater. Kinda retarded regardless

Trying so hard not to cum to this hot story 😫😫🥵

Never happened.

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