John Mosley (aka admin) has gone completely insane. He has so many alt accounts that it is hard to even tell which ones are and aren't. However, if you suspect an account of being an admin alternative, do not respond. He is a deeply mentally unwell man with an unhealthy fixation on the failure of his website Geteso. It is in his own best interest that you not engage him and feed into his delusions.
What has brought you to this conclusion?
Does anyone know who the heck Khaleeb is? I've seen so many people talk about this guy but I don't seem to get what all the hype is about!
It seems like you're the one with the unhealthy fixation on this website, and on this supposed "John Mosley" character. You're not the only one who has brought this up, so perhaps it is you who has a plethora of alternate accounts.
👍🏿 Khaleeh liked your post.
Khaleeb - go to this post
John Mosley (aka admin) has gone completely insane. He has so many alt accounts that it is hard to even tell which ones are and aren't. However, if you suspect an account of being an admin alternative, do not respond. He is a deeply mentally unwell man with an unhealthy fixation on the failure of his website Geteso. It is in his own best interest that you not engage him and feed into his delusions.
I don't think this site is full of crabmin alts.
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