why has music gotten so bad?

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of course it has become more commercially oriented with songs being composed in order to be "popular" but that's always been the case at least to some degree. what happened?

Are you kidding? Music has only gotten better since the turn of the millennium. Music made past 2010 tends to be the very best. Better technology, accessibility for indie artists, and the internet have all helped to improve music. We're past the bad old days when you had to sign away your life to jews just to be a musician. Also, autotune makes music always sound good no matter what. Anybody who has a differing opinion from mine is coping, seething, and malding.

KhaIeeb - go to this post

Anybody who has a differing opinion from mine is coping, seething, and malding.

And with this you have eliminated the chance of anybody taking you seriously.

Psychedelia - go to this post

And with this you have eliminated the chance of anybody taking you seriously.

There are people who take anything on here seriously? If that's really you, I have nothing but the utmost pity for you.

KhaIeeb - go to this post

Are you kidding? Music has only gotten better since the turn of the millennium. Music made past 2010 tends to be the very best. Better technology, accessibility for indie artists, and the internet have all helped to improve music. We're past the bad old days when you had to sign away your life to jews just to be a musician. Also, autotune makes music always sound good no matter what.

Honestly the best argument I've seen for this perspective, I have dramatically changed my opinion on art as a result of this post alone. Thanks for making a genuine effort!

Like in the greek myth of Orpheus (among other myths of this plot) Orpheus challenges Apollo to a musical battle with a lyre. Everyone was amazed by how skillful both were at playing but I am certain none of the people who created the myth had any idea of what Hyden and Beethoven would eventually come up with, nor any of the electronic musicians like Aphex Twin and Skrillex. They wouldn't be able to comprehend the possibility of such complex melodic structures or specific timbres only a modern machine has access to.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

Honestly the best argument I've seen for this perspective, I have dramatically changed my opinion on art as a result of this post alone. Thanks for making a genuine effort!

Goes to show that you are easily swayed and have no real backbone.

Speciality - go to this post

Goes to show that you are easily swayed and have no real backbone.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson from first series essay II Self-Reliance

I suppose it goes to serve your point that you are quoting somebody who would look down upon most if not everything that you have to say in the realm of society and politics? Nevertheless, you fail to recognize what Emerson is saying here.

It's okay to change your mind, but you have no real convictions to speak of, and that is why you have no backbone.

Robert Adamant

2 months ago (edited by Robert Adamant 2 months ago)

Speciality - go to this post

you have no real convictions to speak of, and that is why you have no backbone.

my main concerns are the regulations of young people.
specifically that it is an abomination to restrict recreational, reproductive, economic, and educational liberties of anyone no matter how young.

We have already seen how the regulation of recreational activities critical to youth culture such as with music, games, art and fashion has stunted the development of young people unable to have a safe environment to explore novel concepts. They become unable to safely communicate with each other then become unable to communicate at all.

It will be destroyed even further as we have moved into the age where the reproductive rights are being eroded. This includes the right to abortion but also the notion that young people being sexual is somehow an evil that needs to be condemned and punished. All when teenage years are notoriously and very reproductively critical years to be sexual. The causes and consequences of this are common in history. The average marriage age rises and when it goes above 28 as it currently has done by reaching the age of 30 society progresses to further collapse.

Economic development being regulated by building relationships with licensing institutions interested in profits rather than skilled laborers will make it impossible for anyone except for the children of tradesmen to become apprentices in a trade. Instead they will be licensed and expected to have the weight of that responsibility fully realized immediately at the beginning of their career. This already leads to recent medical graduates being accused of malpractice so frequently hospitals are closing down at rapid rates. This is the actual reason healthcare is so expensive. It has become a rite of passage for every healer to go through a legal battle within their first years practicing which leaves them in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt beyond all of the debt one takes on to satisfy the regulatory licensing demands. I'll remind you now this is an argument for child labor. The institutions that stand to profit off if malpractice will be complacent about the demonization of child labor as it makes them indispensable.

"Spineless and without convictions". Not only is this conversation pertinent to my most strongly held beliefs I am most convinced that no other man alive is has the strength of conviction that I possess on these matters.

Perhaps you could see now why my perspective would have shifted so radically. That despite how much of a horror has occurred socially for the cultural development of people we have never had better instruments and sources for cultural development. it is an irony i hadn't quite realized but makes perfect sense.

Robert Adamant

2 months ago (edited by Robert Adamant 2 months ago)

oh right, the matter about education is that it is an abomination to make it compulsory in the manner we do as if all people are criminals that require compelled reeducation without any voluntary possibility. It only serves to create lifelong resentment for wise men who are sincerely curious and concerned with acquiring the wisdom of the world. Learning in reality is a meandering path that is best done meandering. The tests that prove an education are passed by those who have developed a healthy relationship with knowledge, knowing that it is a foundational source for survival and the more reliable method for calming anxieties as well as people forced to get the right answers. We force people through expecting blind faith in only the most superficial evidence that education has occurred and expect people to have the serious spirit of inquiry that would quickly rule out any absurd beliefs like the flatness of the earth. Losing out on the people who are concerned with wisdom as a source if life and depth in living.

Speciality - go to this post

you have no real convictions to speak of, and that is why you have no backbone.

Imagine accusing the guy who calls himself Adamant of being without convictions.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

my main concerns are the regulations of young people.
specifically that it is an abomination to restrict recreational, reproductive, economic, and educational liberties of anyone no matter how young.

We have already seen how the regulation of recreational activities critical to youth culture such as with music, games, art and fashion has stunted the development of young people unable to have a safe environment to explore novel concepts. They become unable to safely communicate with each other then become unable to communicate at all.

It will be destroyed even further as we have moved into the age where the reproductive rights are being eroded. This includes the right to abortion but also the notion that young people being sexual is somehow an evil that needs to be condemned and punished. All when teenage years are notoriously and very reproductively critical years to be sexual. The causes and consequences of this are common in history. The average marriage age rises and when it goes above 28 as it currently has done by reaching the age of 30 society progresses to further collapse.

Economic development being regulated by building relationships with licensing institutions interested in profits rather than skilled laborers will make it impossible for anyone except for the children of tradesmen to become apprentices in a trade. Instead they will be licensed and expected to have the weight of that responsibility fully realized immediately at the beginning of their career. This already leads to recent medical graduates being accused of malpractice so frequently hospitals are closing down at rapid rates. This is the actual reason healthcare is so expensive. It has become a rite of passage for every healer to go through a legal battle within their first years practicing which leaves them in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt beyond all of the debt one takes on to satisfy the regulatory licensing demands. I'll remind you now this is an argument for child labor. The institutions that stand to profit off if malpractice will be complacent about the demonization of child labor as it makes them indispensable.

"Spineless and without convictions". Not only is this conversation pertinent to my most strongly held beliefs I am most convinced that no other man alive is has the strength of conviction that I possess on these matters.

This is a lot of yap, as the youths of today would say, and in the end it all boils down to rationalizing pedophilia. You are a pedophile, your entire ideology consists of nothing more than coming up with justifications for why you should be allowed to have sex with children. That is your one and only actual conviction, everything else being shifting sands to suit your whim and/or the occasion.

Adolf Hitler - go to this post


Robert Adamant - go to this post

Honestly the best argument I've seen for this perspective, I have dramatically changed my opinion on art as a result of this post alone. Thanks for making a genuine effort!

Except that I would never be swayed by an obvious bait post by a well-known troll. Faggot ass impersonator.

KhaIeeb - go to this post

Are you kidding? Music has only gotten better since the turn of the millennium. Music made past 2010 tends to be the very best. Better technology, accessibility for indie artists, and the internet have all helped to improve music. We're past the bad old days when you had to sign away your life to jews just to be a musician. Also, autotune makes music always sound good no matter what. Anybody who has a differing opinion from mine is coping, seething, and malding.

I both disagree and agree, music has technically gotten better and worse. But overall (excluding KMFDM.. <3)
I'd say modern music is absolute cheeks most of the time

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