Suggestions thread

development features suggestions 
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zerofive - go to this post
try again

I'm sorry, that file doesn't exist. You clearly don't know how esoTalk's backend works.

An image proxy would be nice

being able to mention users by @ might be helpful

anker - go to this post

being able to mention users by @ might be helpful

this isn't discord. but thanks for sharing.

justin - go to this post

this isn't discord. but thanks for sharing.

"this isnt discord" who cares the feature is still useful

There ought to be a (configurable) minimum post length, at the very least for starting conversations. I would recommend it be set to 700 characters as that is rather reasonable to expect from any single substantive post on the forum. This change would make this place a serious center for discussion rather than a place where zoomers sit around and use it like it's discord. The forum's original mandate has been twisted and Simon Zerner is rolling in his grave with each one of these one sentence or even one word posts. Not being able to muster at least one paragraph in any given post is pathetic and I find any forum that allows such chicanery to slide to be disgusting.

ayo can we get like pronouns and socials under ur picture on ur posts or smth?

instead of having "three weeks ago" a specific date would be preferred after a week has passed.

making the online members page live would be interesting if there were more people using the site.
For now I can just hold down refresh I suppose.

Can we make skin color verification so that we can make sure this is a whites only users. As an Aryan, I believe in segregation today, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever.

Thomass Shavrah

1 month ago (deleted by admin)

I can probably code a discord bot that will verify people when they put their discord in their esotalk account. DM me on my discord account if interested

Can we please have pronouns in our profiles and underneath our usernames.

It is inclusive of all people. My pronouns are Xe/Xim

Add an option to switch to a normal thread page number nagivator, instead of only the slider.


1 month ago (edited by Psychedelia 1 month ago)

Thomas Chavira 2 - go to this post

Can we please have pronouns in our profiles and underneath our usernames.

It is inclusive of all people. My pronouns are Xe/Xim

While I am supportive of people by using their chosen pronouns, I don't think this would be a good idea simply because it would spark endless complaints about the feature being there.

Chlorine - go to this post

Add an option to switch to a normal thread page number nagivator, instead of only the slider.

I second this, even though I would probably stick to using the horizontal slider either way. What is a "normal" page number navigator?

the ability to add underlines seems strangely absent. It's not a major thing but you already have bold and italic.


doesn't quite do the same thing

Psychedelia - go to this post

What is a "normal" page number navigator?

Like the default pro-boards forum page navigator. Or for easier examples - look at Kiwifarms, they have numbered buttons for page navigation.

minor tweaks to the "external links" warning should be made. for instance, we know that sites like YouTube are "safe". unless heyfuckyouniggerspitsdonttouchmeyoufuckingweirdomin refuses to acknowledge such sites' reputation.

justin - go to this post

minor tweaks to the "external links" warning should be made. for instance, we know that sites like YouTube are "safe". unless heyfuckyouniggerspitsdonttouchmeyoufuckingweirdomin refuses to acknowledge such sites' reputation.

YouTube links should automatically be replaced with for obvious reasons. Google websites aren't safe, though. I hope that admin doesn't whitelist certain websites just because they're popular.

Chlorine - go to this post

Add an option to switch to a normal thread page number nagivator, instead of only the slider.

talk about shitty ui design!!!!! I didn't know this was a thing. What the FUCK fagmin?!

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