Apology to esoteric discord

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Robert Adamant - go to this post

you actually do need to cite a specific grievance otherwise there's no opportunity for reform, just accusations.
I do want to make sure that I don't do something genuinely harmful.
Make a meaningful statement that can help me rather than trying to boost your confidence by trying to just win an argument everyone else has told you is impossible to lose.

In my opinion, you have had too many chances. Winning an argument with you is only impossible to lose because of your inability to carry an argument, not because it is impossible to have an argument in good faith.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

None of these are accusations that have been brought against me for the purpose of the ban. If you have personal grievances they are between you and me.

How are they not directly relevant to the rules which you broke? The subject matter of my post revolves directly around the nature of the rules and how you did indeed violate them. This is nothing more than a contrary argument brought forth with absolutely no reasoning to justify it. How do you reason with this?

The Arbitrator - go to this post

I will take it that you are referring to your own words,

Yes I am referring to my own words. I recognized that the server became something I was not interested in and left.
If I continued to pursue access to the server there would be clear intent.
I did try to get back onto the server but only after people asked me to return because I had no other intent than to listen to my friends.
I stated in the first post here that I do not intend to return even now.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

How are they not directly relevant to the rules which you broke?

Just because you might believe it is relevant that doesn't mean that it is.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

Yes I am referring to my own words. I recognized that the server became something I was not interested in and left.
If I continued to pursue access to the server there would be clear intent.
I did try to get back onto the server but only after people asked me to return because I had no other intent than to listen to my friends.
I stated in the first post here that I do not intend to return even now.

Regardless of whether or not you intend to return, you stated in your original post that you didn't actually break the rules with which you were charged upon being banned from the server, and this is false.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

Just because you might believe it is relevant that doesn't mean that it is.

This is a non-sequitur. In fact, many of your responses are a non-sequitur. My personal convictions are irrelevant to the argument at hand, nor did I ever list my personal grievances other than by stating "you have had too many chances," which I made clear was my opinion and nothing more than that.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

Regardless of whether or not you intend to return, you stated in your original post that you didn't actually break the rules with which you were charged upon being banned from the server, and this is false.

On a tautological basis it's false but that's the point of claiming that there was an error.
Like yes if some authority says rules were broken then the rules have been broken.
If I believe that is wrong then I have to argue against the accusation.
It's absurd to assume that simply because someone said something bad happened it must dogmatically be believed.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

This is a non-sequitur. In fact, many of your responses are a non-sequitur.

to a blind man no words are written.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

My personal convictions are irrelevant to the argument at hand

Then you have no purpose for being and I invite you to resign.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

On a tautological basis it's false but that's the point of claiming that there was an error.
Like yes if some authority says rules were broken then the rules have been broken.
If I believe that is wrong then I have to argue against the accusation.
It's absurd to assume that simply because someone said something bad happened it must dogmatically be believed.

โ€ฆexcept that your violation of the rules is not justified solely by the word of an authority figure. It can be demonstrated how you did indeed break the rules, and I believe that I have aptly demonstrated such. Furthermore, no part of my argument relies upon "someone said something bad happened" other than in where I appeal to the several people who were witness to your posts on the server. There are also screenshots of your posts on the server, so the character of the witnesses, or the fact that there are witnesses, is not the fundamental basis for my statement.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

Furthermore, no part of my argument relies upon "someone said something bad happened"

with a case in which no evidence is put forth that is all it could ever amount to

I don't have to admit any of your evidence either

Robert Adamant - go to this post

to a blind man no words are written.

Then you have no purpose for being and I invite you to resign.

  1. No maxims will undermine what is obvious to myself and to any others who choose to read and/or partake in this thread.
  2. My being is justified by my own convictions, which do exist and yet are not relevant to the nature of this argument, which is about rules that have been written in stone, one of which appeals to the laws of the country in which we both reside.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

I don't have to admit any of your evidence either

You are appealing to a legal system which is not said to exist on this platform. In fact, the judgment is on behalf of the mods and admins based on the logical conclusion of this argument, and I don't think you will ever win an appeal. Your ego prohibits you from actual remorse, and for this reason, nobody is going to want you back on the server.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

2. My being is justified by my own convictions, which do exist and yet are not relevant to the nature of this argument, which is about rules that have been written in stone, one of which appeals to the laws of the country in which we both reside.

If you are concerned with the legality I implore you to help me by giving a better course of reform than "I hate you and I have reason to hate you because I hate you".

The Arbitrator - go to this post

You are appealing to a legal system which is not said to exist on this platform.

Exactly. You've bungled your case. I'm not going to roll over just because everyone else is incompetent. Especially when there's no soft belly of evil I can expose.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

If you are concerned with the legality I implore you to help me by giving a better course of reform than "I hate you and I have reason to hate you because I hate you".

Exactly. You've bungled your case. I'm not going to roll over just because everyone else is incompetent. Especially when there's no soft belly of evil I can expose.

Since this response consists of nothing more than outlandish rhetoric, I don't intend to entertain you any further. I have refuted any argument which you may have made in your original post, and it is clearly demonstrated that you indeed violate the Global Rules. Furthermore, I am confident that any person who appeals to logic will agree with my assessment of things.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

Since this response consists of nothing more than outlandish rhetoric, I don't intend to entertain you any further. I have refuted any argument which you may have made in your original post, and it is clearly demonstrated that you indeed violate the Global Rules. Furthermore, I am confident that any person who appeals to logic will agree with my assessment of things.

and hominem to you good sir! don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I love how people never substantiate anything nor feel any need to. They think that saying a bunch of words means they're actually hitting anything vital.
I'm being slapped by a wet noodle or a feather and it just tickles.

There are entire threads of pictures of your messages, not to mention your penis. I think there is plenty of evidence. At this point, it would suit you best to apologize for your actions, and not like the half-assed apology you wrote for the 3 girls on the server. You should apologize to all those who had to put up with you on the server, which is more than just those 3 girls.

KhalafReload - go to this post

There are entire threads of pictures of your messages, not to mention your penis. I think there is plenty of evidence. At this point, it would suit you best to apologize for your actions, and not like the half-assed apology you wrote for the 3 girls on the server. You should apologize to all those who had to put up with you on the server, which is more than just those 3 girls.

I apologized, my apology is that I should be revered and considered the greatest among all of you. That is a valid apology you are just too incompetent to recognize the validity.

This thread is such a fucking mess but it's clear to me that Robert shouldn't be taken seriously and you guys are wasting your time by arguing with him.

My ban will be seen as nothing more than inferiors being insulted for making their inferiority clear

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