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Most technology is redundant, yes. There is hardly any valid use case for having a separate television and desktop computer; a modern television is basically a less powerful computer with artificial restrictions put in place to prevent the end user from doing anything with it. The problem is that it's becoming impossible to live without a smartphone if you live in a city, or even a town at this point. Yet another reason to move away.

The biggest crisis with advanced communications is that it expands the potential breeding pool making it harder for women to come to a decision or for too many women to be interested in too few men. It's the opposite problem to how people didn't move around as much once agriculture became widespread.


2 months ago (edited by admin 2 months ago) Administrator

It's impossible to separate 'good' technology from 'bad' technology. In other words, television has had its own impact on the social habits of baby boomers, and we can go as far back as you'd like in order to examine how technology has always had some observable con that, to its contemporary users, was outweighed by its benefits.

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