My account has been stolen

pilfering theivery 
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Title. I don't know who did this or why, but my account has been swept out from under me. Someone else is using it and I can't log into it anymore. I can't even reset the password. @admin help!

here's a little quiz to determine if it's really you:

I walk out late at night and have to sneeze HOW MANY times??

anker - go to this post

here's a little quiz to determine if it's really you:

I walk out late at night and have to sneeze HOW MANY times??

That post wasn't even me.

Real Cyberbob - go to this post

That post wasn't even me.

It's okay, we all slip up sometimes. Hope you can get past those mental scars of being impersonated–i step forward as the cyberbob impersonater.

well maybe you're him. will have to defer to higher authorities on this

I just want my account back lol.

Likewise. My last account got stolen by some naughty raider and all I want is to reply to my own posts on other accounts.

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dollar store dickben

2 months ago (deleted by KhalafReload)

I think someone has been logging into my account as well. There are posts that I've apparently made which I don't remember making…

See what I mean?

First few posts are funny, but somebody doesn't know when to let the joke go. Lame!

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