I'm being impersonated

impersonations niggers 
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FUCK. There are 2 fucking fake ass accounts bearing MY GOOD NAME AND IDENTITTY. I'm a hot desirable stable queen who wants nothing to do with pathetic human men. All I want is to be deeply satisfied with my equine lovers and to do the same for them in return. I don't need interruptions like NIGGERS on here slandering me. Leave me and my horse alone. This is negatively impacting my already unstable mental health and I don't need this right now. So if you don't stop impersonating me and smearing my good name, I will have no choice but to unleash a torrent of horseshitwater into this forum, aka I will raid the everliving horsecock out of this horsecock deficit of a fuckpile shitforum with one real user. You have 77 hours to take down these fake posts and fake accounts.

If you'll excuse me (you will), I have to go now to make out with my horse. Fuck off and die faggots.

take you and your humor back to 2017 please and thank you

First of all, I would never use the n-word. That is a very despicable and mean word to use as it is a slur against african americans, and all people are beautiful.

Second of all, I only have sex with my horse maybe once every 3 weeks as his dick is sooooo huge that it basically rips my vaginal opening apart and it takes atleast 3 weeks to heal properly before I can take some more horsecock again.

Last but not least, I am as stable as the admin of this forum's parents's relationship. I have been on anti-depressants and been cutting myself since I was 13 which also happens to be around the same time I gave my first fellatio to a guy named VideoGameSmash12. (His penis was only 5 and a half inches for anyone who was curious.) I am a pretty stable person as it has been years since I first started all 6 of my medications.

I'm not trying to burst your bubble but niggers are not necessarily "beautiful" like you said. Their phenotype is not conventionally attractive. They have wide noses and big ass nostrils as well as dark skin and ugly deep voices to the point it just sounds like they are mumbling all the time, either that or they are loud and obnoxious; don't even get me started on their disgusting culture which consists of twerking, eating hot chips, hooking up with Dusty's and getting pregnant by them, getting into random fights for no reason and clapping their hands after every single word they yell, and choosing to live in poverty and shoot each other. Does that sound like someone who is beautiful to you?

i keep getting impersonated on "these boards" too
please find me a solution

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