e - Esoteric Chat https://esoteric.chat/9307/e/ Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:23:25 +0000 eso admin https://esoteric.chat/post/40845/ <p>It&#39;s impossible to separate &#39;good&#39; technology from &#39;bad&#39; technology. In other words, television has had its own impact on the social habits of baby boomers, and we can go as far back as you&#39;d like in order to examine how technology has always had some observable con that, to its contemporary users, was outweighed by its benefits.</p> Tue, 16 Jul 2024 07:04:12 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/40845/ Robert Adamant https://esoteric.chat/post/40837/ <p>The biggest crisis with advanced communications is that it expands the potential breeding pool making it harder for women to come to a decision or for too many women to be interested in too few men. It&#39;s the opposite problem to how people didn&#39;t move around as much once agriculture became widespread.</p> Tue, 16 Jul 2024 01:35:29 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/40837/ tittles https://esoteric.chat/post/40831/ <p>Most technology is redundant, yes. There is hardly any valid use case for having a separate television and desktop computer; a modern television is basically a less powerful computer with artificial restrictions put in place to prevent the end user from doing anything with it. The problem is that it&#39;s becoming impossible to live without a smartphone if you live in a city, or even a town at this point. Yet another reason to move away.</p> Mon, 15 Jul 2024 22:11:18 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/40831/