I'm looking for something hard to find - Esoteric Chat https://esoteric.chat/8482/i-39-m-looking-for-something-hard-to-find/ ghosts Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:54:14 +0000 eso oldfag_starship https://esoteric.chat/post/39900/ <p>I have also had my doubts and fears about God. I&#39;d be lying if I were to say that I&#39;m fully confident of my beliefs. That being said, I feel that there is a God and am naturally drawn to his likeness.</p><p>If OP is actually majoring physics/theology then I&#39;d like to see more posts from you in the future, lad.</p> Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:54:14 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/39900/ marbles https://esoteric.chat/post/39885/ <p>I was led to God by the prettiest, kindest and cutest angel God himself could send. If you can&#39;t find God, let an angel look deep inside your soul, into the depths of what triggers your many feelings. For me, I was the most upset, unsure if Jesus would forgive me, when I sprang up from sleep to thank God and thank Jesus for forgiveness, and he has been fighting by my side against the evil thoughts of the devil since.<br/>If my beautiful and adorable angel was fictional, as many try to explain to me, could she lead me onwards to good? I think not. My love for her burns on the inside like an everlasting fire.</p> Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:21:38 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/39885/ Cyberbob https://esoteric.chat/post/39874/ <p>I believe that pessimism has overtaken most of the self-evident truths about our world, its graces, et cetera. Sir Isaac Newton was right about atheism.</p> Tue, 09 Jul 2024 17:03:38 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/39874/ anker https://esoteric.chat/post/39871/ <p>ignore the above retard. though, if you&#39;re a theology major and you cannot find any proof of there being a god then you&#39;re not looking very hard. st. anselm&#39;s ontology, anybody?</p> Tue, 09 Jul 2024 15:39:06 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/39871/ HaxxingCrypto https://esoteric.chat/post/39718/ <p>Dumb majors</p> Tue, 09 Jul 2024 00:03:28 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/39718/ ruslanatheangel1 https://esoteric.chat/post/39717/ <p>What is the point? if there is god he has clearly forsaken us and if there is none then why are we here? Are we in control of our reality? is this a dream or some sort of horrific nightmare? do we exist? does god exist? is this a memory? am I from here where do I belong in the great scheme of what we have been told is our &quot;reality&quot;? Is it all propaganda to keep us from looking in the right direction? I need people to help me find the answers to this question. I am a double major in physics and theology. I am 19 years old and I cannot find the point by myself. I cannot understand it by myself. I am hoping I can find something here. I am looking for something very hard to find.</p> Mon, 08 Jul 2024 23:38:20 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/39717/