Haunted Forum - Esoteric Chat https://esoteric.chat/312/haunted-forum/ ghosts are cool, niggers Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:00:05 +0000 eso Akefu Hitler https://esoteric.chat/post/19356/ <blockquote><p><cite>Carl - <a href='https://esoteric.chat/post/19301/' class='postLink'>go to this post</a></cite></p><p>That paranormal entity would be the Reaper, but it&#39;s best you don&#39;t fear him.</p></blockquote><p>da da da da da da da da da more cowbell</p> Mon, 31 Oct 2022 23:31:59 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/19356/ Carl https://esoteric.chat/post/19301/ <p>That paranormal entity would be the Reaper, but it&#39;s best you don&#39;t fear him.</p> Mon, 31 Oct 2022 02:13:49 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/19301/ Akefu Brewer https://esoteric.chat/post/19262/ <blockquote><p><cite>Simon Zerners Ghost - <a href='https://esoteric.chat/post/19261/' class='postLink'>go to this post</a></cite></p><p>It seems a paranormal entity is now haunting this shitty yee yee ass forum and it will never be restored to its formal glory niggercattle</p></blockquote><p>Schizo</p> Sun, 30 Oct 2022 13:27:36 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/19262/ HaxxingCrypto https://esoteric.chat/post/19261/ <p>It seems a paranormal entity is now haunting this shitty yee yee ass forum and it will never be restored to its formal glory niggercattle</p> Sun, 30 Oct 2022 13:26:15 +0000 https://esoteric.chat/post/19261/