Something unrelated to Clyde... - Esoteric Chat Tue, 06 Aug 2024 21:29:07 +0000 eso Silas (SCHNYDER) <blockquote><p><cite>The Akefu Brewer - <a href='' class='postLink'>go to this post</a></cite></p><p>This is true. Everything relates back to Clyde. As a former member of the Schnyderian Sect, I must say that the Book of Clyde has been one of the most enlightening reads in quite some time.</p></blockquote><p>Former member? Maybe it&#39;s time you rejoin us, brother, in light of the impending storm. Can you also not feel the energy coursing through you? The static in the air, the slight yet powerful breeze, the almost imperceptibly tiny drops of mist, the unnatural calm that implies only one thing…</p> Tue, 06 Aug 2024 21:29:07 +0000 Brian Krebs <blockquote><p><cite>The Akefu Brewer - <a href='' class='postLink'>go to this post</a></cite></p><p>This is true. Everything relates back to Clyde. As a former member of the Schnyderian Sect, I must say that the Book of Clyde has been one of the most enlightening reads in quite some time.</p></blockquote><p>This is an obvious red flag of who you really are.</p> Sun, 28 May 2023 03:23:36 +0000 The Akefu Brewer <blockquote><p><cite>mudd - <a href='' class='postLink'>go to this post</a></cite></p><p>everything is related to clyde</p></blockquote><p>This is true. Everything relates back to Clyde. As a former member of the Schnyderian Sect, I must say that the Book of Clyde has been one of the most enlightening reads in quite some time.</p> Sun, 21 May 2023 13:26:53 +0000 mudd <p>everything is related to clyde</p> Wed, 17 May 2023 03:22:23 +0000 Longo <p>I’m sympathetic to the Clyde movement. Praise Clyde!</p> Tue, 09 May 2023 15:32:01 +0000 Clydean Zealot <p>Just kidding, I fucking love Clyde! *braaaaaap*</p> Tue, 09 May 2023 00:13:33 +0000