Kekistani Nationalism - Esoteric Chat Tue, 03 Dec 2024 02:52:25 +0000 eso Robert Adamant <p>you mean this is a social media platform and not a schitzo rant hosting site?<br/>I think you&#39;ve just been using it wrong this whole time.</p> Sun, 03 Nov 2024 04:14:13 +0000 BatOwl <p>Imagine thinking anyone on here gives a fuck to read any nonsense you post</p> Sat, 02 Nov 2024 17:52:15 +0000 Robert Adamant <p><a href=';t=48' target='_blank' class='external' onclick='return Conversation.externalLink()'>black &quot;police&quot;</a></p> Sat, 02 Nov 2024 05:26:18 +0000 Robert Adamant <p><img src='' class='frame'/><br/><a href='' target='_blank' class='external' onclick='return Conversation.externalLink()'>how it goes whenever white people show up</a><br/>Also this is how fights generally go when white people are involved. <br/>White dude on full skeleton mode manages to so quickly and effectively incapacitate a nigger who punched him that the nigger spends the next minute saying sorry once the white guy lets him back up.<br/>It&#39;s almost as if white people are just natural born law enforcers.</p> Sat, 02 Nov 2024 04:51:55 +0000 Robert Adamant <p><img src='' class='frame'/><br/>The difference between Kekistani, Aryans and north western Europeans (Germans, English, Scandinavians) is that it has no association with nazis and is just a classification of a genuine ethnic group that exists. It&#39;s more accurate than saying white because white can often include people who are not part of this ethnic group.<br/>Identifying as Kekistani is a nationalist statement and people who are ethnically the same but do not identify as Kekistani would still not be a part of the Kekistani nation.<br/>The real problem is that the burden for Kekistani is very clearly that people who are merely white are permitting outsiders who resent Kekistani people greater influence.<br/>There is only one genuine divide in America and that divide is Kekistani against all others.<br/>No policy will be compelling enough to convince inferior races to calm their anti-Kekistani passions.</p><p>If you want to know the reality of the situation on the individual level there&#39;s a youtube channel that records street fights in Texas.<br/>Nearly all of them are among Mediterraneans and blacks and all of them are broken up by a white police force.<br/>This is the case with violence in every country Kekistani call home. <br/><a href='' target='_blank' class='external' onclick='return Conversation.externalLink()'>Texas street fights</a><br/>What needs to be done is not yet some great war but more people proudly identifying as Kekistani and knowing exactly how important that is.</p> Sat, 02 Nov 2024 04:37:54 +0000