Labor Theory of Value - Esoteric Chat Wed, 27 Nov 2024 05:52:23 +0000 eso Robert Adamant <p>The Rule of Saint Benedict is what people should be reading instead of every economic ideology book.</p> Mon, 21 Oct 2024 02:12:30 +0000 Robert Adamant <p>Wage labor is slavery with the only difference being that the owners are only renting human labor. <br/>The best system of labor I&#39;ve found is in monasteries.<br/>Basically the way it&#39;s done is have a rigorous system of &quot;vibe checking&quot; people.<br/>If someone fails a vibe check they risk being cast out from the monastery.<br/>When everyone passes the vibe check they are clothed, fed and housed by the father of a monastery.<br/>something emblematic of how this works in having everyone pray every 3 hours, including having everyone wake up in the middle of the night to pray together.<br/>It doesn&#39;t have to be founded in any specific religion but the most critical thing to labor is just making sure you don&#39;t have freeloaders.</p> Mon, 21 Oct 2024 02:11:37 +0000 Khaleeb <p>You can tell a midwit without exception from belief in Labor Theory of Value. LTV is just complicated enough to tickle the fancy of these arrogant bell-curve-hump-riders and just incorrect enough that no person of actual high intellect would believe in it.</p> Sun, 20 Oct 2024 23:27:12 +0000