This site will never amount to anything

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I don't know if you pay for these servers, but even if you somehow host for free you're still paying too much. This is a dogshit site and it will never go anywhere. It had like 10 users a day at its absolute peak. It doesn't have any sub-boards, just one cluttered main board. Posts on it have for basically as long as the site has existed been metaposts. The moderation and administrative staff are so incompetent that they can't even stop a small-time raid from someone who'd get shoo'd off a site for a church in Antarctica in a day. We don't have permabans for some inexplicable reason. The site has terrible marketing, marketing itself through obscure in-jokes that wouldn't attract anyone who doesn't already use it. All of the longest users of the forum fucking hate it, and those who don't are eventually made to by its mentally insane owner. And all of this is ignoring the obvious point of this shite being literally nothing but a direct downgrade from the already terrible model of 4chan. It's the vanity project of an immature lunatic who's spent way too much time trying to fulfill the incredibly stupid vision of amateurs who don't even want anything to do with it.

When you can scare off someone like Akefu, you've reached a new zenith of retardation.

Who are you complaining to/about? Just touch my butt (see profile pic) and get this over with. My ding ding dong.

Don't go all ham on poor old admin, son. He's taken enough of a beating as it stands. Between Akefu's neverending raids, Andy Sixx's cloggings, Clyde's endless storms and salty peglegs, Tormater invasions, and DataLink Salbot incursions he's battening down the hatches. Under all that strain it's a bloody miracle he's even able to keep the site up at all. You youngsters need to stop complaining.

Khaleeb - go to this post

I don't know if you pay for these servers, but even if you somehow host for free you're still paying too much. This is a dogshit site and it will never go anywhere. It had like 10 users a day at its absolute peak. It doesn't have any sub-boards, just one cluttered main board. Posts on it have for basically as long as the site has existed been metaposts. The moderation and administrative staff are so incompetent that they can't even stop a small-time raid from someone who'd get shoo'd off a site for a church in Antarctica in a day. We don't have permabans for some inexplicable reason. The site has terrible marketing, marketing itself through obscure in-jokes that wouldn't attract anyone who doesn't already use it. All of the longest users of the forum fucking hate it, and those who don't are eventually made to by its mentally insane owner. And all of this is ignoring the obvious point of this shite being literally nothing but a direct downgrade from the already terrible model of 4chan. It's the vanity project of an immature lunatic who's spent way too much time trying to fulfill the incredibly stupid vision of amateurs who don't even want anything to do with it.

Andy Sixx is known far and wide. He and his delicous anal cookies. So steamy, creamy and dreamy. Would you?

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