Re: Mr. Schrute

getting swatted on stream sending fbi to people's hou 
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Mr. Schrute

Absolutely not. This user has been been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt to be a predator to marginalized groups such as women and children. By allowing him back, you are putting these vulnerable persons at great risk of being exploited and harmed by this out of control pervert. I would advocate for his server ban being extended to the forum because there is absolutely no justification whatsoever for allowing someone like this anywhere near this community. He's a piece of shit who deserves to die and burn in hell for being a pedophile. Anyone who acts as though there is any grounds for him being anything but permbanned is probably also a pedophile.

The real question is what kind of community do you want, John? Do you want a forum full of batshit crazy pedophiles committing illegal activities that will inevitably land you in prison too? Because if you don't keep this user banned from your server, and extend the ban to the forum, I will be contacting the proper law enforcement and authorities and they will take the action that you won't. So, just some food for thought.

LOL. sending the secret service to heldtheshitinmyassfortoolongsonowitsastreamysixxloafthatgoesoncherylsmin's house number 2: electric boogaloo!

Looks like this nigger wasn't the only one.

Stop giving this guy attention. He feeds on it. It's what keeps him coming back time and time again.

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