Majors that are useless

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History, psychology, and art majors are very useless today. Viking gigachads like me get buisness majors.

I agree babe. What are you gonna do with a history or art degree? Work at the front desk at a museum or become a middle school art teacher? So useful.

Who are either of you and why should I place stock in what you think?

"Viking Gigachad" is a surefire way to tell the world you're under 5 foot 8.


Last week (edited by Speciality Last week)

Khaleeb - go to this post

"Viking Gigachad" is a surefire way to tell the world you're under 5 foot 8.

Used to be called the short man's complex, now they're just called incels or whatever the fuck trend is permeating through the Shiternet.

Computer science has to be the single most useless major of them all. Plus every single CS major is gay/trans and hasn't seemed to have ever heard of a shower or any other basic hygiene measures for that matter.

Khaleeb - go to this post

"Viking Gigachad" is a surefire way to tell the world you're under 5 foot 8.

Speciality - go to this post

Used to be called the short man's complex, now they're just called incels or whatever the fuck trend is permeating through the Shiternet.

Niggers on these boards are really bragging about being 6ft? Congrats, you can finally reach those cookies mommy put on the top shelf.

They’re so desperate. Putting “6ft” in their bio so women will finally interact with them. Knowing there’s nothing else to offer.

Giants throughout history got WIPED out by "manlets". All that height and you couldn’t squash a gnome.

No one can even name a single 6ft conqueror throughout all of time.. even Jesus wasn’t 6ft. That should’ve told you something.

We know you all psyopped women into thinking 6ft was a standard… only way you spread your genes. When in fact.. you tower tuckers diluted the gene pool.

No one cares nerd. I got some pics I took of these hot college volleyball grills on a plane. One of them kept staring at me and drooling over my hot muscular viking bod. I am taking her out to Sanny Franny Friday night. I got the ugliest one out of the group but hey pussy is pussy, aww yeeeee!

Napoleon - go to this post

Computer science has to be the single most useless major of them all. Plus every single CS major is gay/trans and hasn't seemed to have ever heard of a shower or any other basic hygiene measures for that matter.

Can confirm.

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