need help with .htaccess on getEso

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hi. i install getEso on local network computer and it go smoothly. i get all dependencies and setup done but .htaccess no work? url look ugly, not like this webforum. i finally go config and make friendly url false and now i visit pages and forum work but url index.php with question mark. very unprofessional and i hope it can be resolve, thanks. :)


2 weeks ago (edited by admin 2 weeks ago) Administrator

You will first need to determine your web server (Apache2 and nginx are the two most common ones as of current) and modify your web server configuration file accordingly.

It is important to know that the phenomenon you are describing is actually the default behavior of the forum software. Because the forum is written and thus rendered using PHP, each file will naturally bear a ".php" extension. In order to avoid this, we make use of the URI rewrite rules that are made available to us by the web server.

This guide contains two examples of a configuration which will use rewrite rules in order to exclude "index.php" from the URL:

As a general rule of thumb, Apache2 uses the mod_rewrite function to accomplish this, whereas nginx has its own set of rewrite rules. In either case, you should change the value of useModRewrite to "true" in your forum's config file. Friendly URLs are not related to mod_rewrite; this setting determines whether the conversation title is included in the URL and has nothing to do with "index.php" being included or not.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Cheers!

admin - go to this post

You will first need to determine your web server (Apache2 and nginx are the two most common ones as of current) and modify your web server configuration file accordingly.

It is important to know that the phenomenon you are describing is actually the default behavior of the forum software. Because the forum is written and thus rendered using PHP, each file will naturally bear a ".php" extension. In order to avoid this, we make use of the URI rewrite rules that are made available to us by the web server.

This guide contains two examples of a configuration which will use rewrite rules in order to exclude "index.php" from the URL:

As a general rule of thumb, Apache2 uses the mod_rewrite function to accomplish this, whereas nginx has its own set of rewrite rules. In either case, you should change the value of useModRewrite to "true" in your forum's config file. Friendly URLs are not related to mod_rewrite; this setting determines whether the conversation title is included in the URL and has nothing to do with "index.php" being included or not.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Cheers!

I use ngnix and when I research online .htaccess for apache2, not nginx. So software full functionality only supported on apache2? Friendly URL had to be disable in order that pages are visitable without 404 and forum works but very ugly and not good for production website. How to fix this or how long to wait for software update fix for properly support nginx?

Hi Sirs I am experiencing the same issue and I need help because this is an HTCleaning bug where the Apache Nginx server is not working


2 weeks ago Administrator

Jao - go to this post

So software full functionality only supported on apache2?

No. Please read my post again, and consider reading the guide that is on the esoBB website.

nginx does not make use of the .htaccess file, but that does not mean that it isn't supported.


2 weeks ago Administrator

dale - go to this post

Hi Sirs I am experiencing the same issue and I need help because this is an HTCleaning bug where the Apache Nginx server is not working

I don't understand what you mean by "HTCleaning bug," sorry.

admin - go to this post

No. Please read my post again, and consider reading the guide that is on the esoBB website.

nginx does not make use of the .htaccess file, but that does not mean that it isn't supported.

Wrong. It's clear from a cursory examination of this discussion that your software does not, in fact, properly support Nginx. A core feature (mod rewrite) that frankly any website worth its salt makes use of is completely broken and no solution is provided via the software except having "ugly URLs." Not very desirable, not a good look for you or your software, John. Nginx is the only webserver software that anybody should ever use considering Apache2 is old, outdated, insecure, and nobody uses it anymore. This software is showing its age. It's absolutely hilarious how you respond to genuine support requests in such a condescending, rude, and unhelpful manner. Instead of admitting there is a problem with your software and working to fix it, you pretend that everything is perfect no matter what. No wonder nobody wants to run a forum with the "esoBB" (pilfered esoTalk rip off) forum software. There's no support whatsoever, bugs almost never get fixed, the software almost never even gets updated anymore, and everything you need for your forum to function needs to be installed via a third-party plugin because the forum leaves something to be desired out of the box. Pathetic.

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