total nigger death 
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this guy is a total pedophile on the discord server and doesn't even know what this forum is. how the fuck did this nigger get in the server? all he does is rizz up the minors and hit on women which clearly reject his ass. BAN HIM FROM THE DISCORD NOW. OR THE IDES OF AUGUST WILL SOON APPROACH RIGHT THIS PICOSECOND. LITERALLY EVERYONE HATES THIS FAGGOT!!!!

We can't ban people just because you don't like them.

ban imperial now - go to this post

this guy is a total pedophile on the discord server and doesn't even know what this forum is. how the fuck did this nigger get in the server? all he does is rizz up the minors and hit on women which clearly reject his ass. BAN HIM FROM THE DISCORD NOW. OR THE IDES OF AUGUST WILL SOON APPROACH RIGHT THIS PICOSECOND. LITERALLY EVERYONE HATES THIS FAGGOT!!!!

vouch. you seem like a cool dude.


1 month ago (edited by justin 1 month ago)

KhalafReload - go to this post

We can't ban people just because you don't like them.

sitsupstraightandclearsherthroatmynameiscoronaandiconfessididindeedconsumetheburgermin banned robert from the discord server despite having "no rules" for sending dick pics and being a borderline pedophile with bee and various alts imposing as underage females. why don't you side with the community for one attosecond and ban imperial for being a creep as well?

in fact, you were the one that made the private thread on here with robert notifying him of his removal from the discord and why it was justified. I saw it on stream and can probably find screenshots of it.


1 month ago (edited by KhalafReload 1 month ago) Moderator

I don't really look at the Discord server, but I'll assume that you are right about all this. I was just making a point because it's an important thing to remember in these cases.

justin - go to this post

being a borderline pedophile

A female can only consent to sex upon turning at least 8 years old and after having menstruated for at least 1 year.
Menstruation is a critical aspect of this being that sexual impulses are a result of specifically hormones produced from puberty.

kys robert. you are disgusting

anker - go to this post

kys robert. you are disgusting

Rent free

anker - go to this post

kys robert. you are disgusting

Omg is that icon Azealia banks??

xyadose - go to this post

Omg is that icon Azealia banks??

yes :3


4 weeks ago (edited by justin 4 weeks ago)

Robert Adamant - go to this post

Rent free

the pizza ain't though

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