๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ• Robert Swanson BANNED From Dominoes

dominoes robert swanson 
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Attention esotalkers,

After two orders of plain pizzas were delivered to Robert Adamant / Robert Swanson's house (4 Strawberry Ln Media PA, 19063), Dominoes has banned all online orders of pizzas to his house.

Thank you for your service Akefu Pizzerer.

We never ordered pizza to our house anyway

Please send more pizzas and cremated remain kits to Robert's house! :)

Pizza Hut is not on the table, they claim to not be able to deliver to Robert's address.

Apollo's is Robert's favorite, so try to avoid that as wellโ€ฆ

USPS allows you to deliver boxes of various sizes and CREMATED REMAIN KITS to your house for FREE! Try it now.

The cremated remain stickers will never stop no matter what!

Total War:

It is not enough to believe something casually. All laws if they are to be considered valid laws require being of such great importance to the people who uphold them that they would only want to live in a world which respected those laws. To be in a world that permits certain atrocities must be so abhorrent to a people that there are no lengths beyond reckoning sought to ensure wrongdoing ceases.
This is a risk. All people must be willing to agree that there are no actions that are forbidden. Through this alone can there be certainty that horrors are not committed. It seems paradoxical that one must be willing to do horrible things in order to keep horrible things from happening but this is the reality we must accept. I worry also that the lines people draw are made with a marker that doesnโ€™t bear the weight of total war. They only prefer that they do not feel disgust and then dictate accordingly. When these feelings of disgust are given the same weight as things worth dying for, men are sent to war for trivialities.
To be willing to kill and participate in total war requires recognizing that whomever you intend to repel with this assault will also participate in total war. Having men who are willing to go to such lengths might seem as though it invites this extreme response to lawlessness. More so there are many people who are not willing to risk their lives. If they were they might have already enlisted to be on the front lines of the next bloody war. Yet these people who live under the same government did not enlist and would never enlist to lose everything that they worked so hard to build. It is impossible to live in a state where people can delude themselves into thinking that they can avoid accepting the necessity of total war. It does not have to be a common thing in practice, it ought to be a rare thing, but for it to be an unthinkable thing to anyone of a state means only the death of that state.
What is required of you is that you make sure to uphold the ideals of law. These laws must be serious laws, not casual laws, laws everyone in society is willing to fight to the death to enforce if they had the ability to do so. Laws do not need to be enforced with the death penalty but if anything is to be treated with seriousness the laws ought to be written as if sentencing the lawbreaker to death. A simple parking violation is nothing I would kill a man over, much less do everything in my power to end his life. Any problems less than what invokes the wrath of total war must be survived and are simply the inevitable difficulties of living among others.
If you are to live in Magrathea I insist that you accept that there no one can protect you from threats foreign or domestic. Instead, maintain the dignified brutality of someone willing to annihilate all of existence in the name of upholding law. May it never need to come to that.

๐‘ฎ๐‘ง๐‘’๐‘• ๐‘จ๐‘›๐‘ฉ๐‘ฅ๐‘ง๐‘ฏ๐‘‘๐‘ฐ๐‘ณ๐‘•
rex adamantius
๐‘•๐‘ฐ ๐‘๐‘ฆ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘๐‘ช๐‘—๐‘ง๐‘ฅ ๐‘๐‘บ๐‘ฉ ๐‘š๐‘ง๐‘ค๐‘ณ๐‘ฅ
si vis pacem para bellum
subscribe to Magrathea: https://t.me/kekmagrathea

Robert Adamant - go to this post

Total War:

It is not enough to believe something casually. All laws if they are to be considered valid laws require being of such great importance to the people who uphold them that they would only want to live in a world which respected those laws. To be in a world that permits certain atrocities must be so abhorrent to a people that there are no lengths beyond reckoning sought to ensure wrongdoing ceases.
This is a risk. All people must be willing to agree that there are no actions that are forbidden. Through this alone can there be certainty that horrors are not committed. It seems paradoxical that one must be willing to do horrible things in order to keep horrible things from happening but this is the reality we must accept. I worry also that the lines people draw are made with a marker that doesnโ€™t bear the weight of total war. They only prefer that they do not feel disgust and then dictate accordingly. When these feelings of disgust are given the same weight as things worth dying for, men are sent to war for trivialities.
To be willing to kill and participate in total war requires recognizing that whomever you intend to repel with this assault will also participate in total war. Having men who are willing to go to such lengths might seem as though it invites this extreme response to lawlessness. More so there are many people who are not willing to risk their lives. If they were they might have already enlisted to be on the front lines of the next bloody war. Yet these people who live under the same government did not enlist and would never enlist to lose everything that they worked so hard to build. It is impossible to live in a state where people can delude themselves into thinking that they can avoid accepting the necessity of total war. It does not have to be a common thing in practice, it ought to be a rare thing, but for it to be an unthinkable thing to anyone of a state means only the death of that state.
What is required of you is that you make sure to uphold the ideals of law. These laws must be serious laws, not casual laws, laws everyone in society is willing to fight to the death to enforce if they had the ability to do so. Laws do not need to be enforced with the death penalty but if anything is to be treated with seriousness the laws ought to be written as if sentencing the lawbreaker to death. A simple parking violation is nothing I would kill a man over, much less do everything in my power to end his life. Any problems less than what invokes the wrath of total war must be survived and are simply the inevitable difficulties of living among others.
If you are to live in Magrathea I insist that you accept that there no one can protect you from threats foreign or domestic. Instead, maintain the dignified brutality of someone willing to annihilate all of existence in the name of upholding law. May it never need to come to that.

๐‘ฎ๐‘ง๐‘’๐‘• ๐‘จ๐‘›๐‘ฉ๐‘ฅ๐‘ง๐‘ฏ๐‘‘๐‘ฐ๐‘ณ๐‘•
rex adamantius
๐‘•๐‘ฐ ๐‘๐‘ฆ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘๐‘ช๐‘—๐‘ง๐‘ฅ ๐‘๐‘บ๐‘ฉ ๐‘š๐‘ง๐‘ค๐‘ณ๐‘ฅ
si vis pacem para bellum
subscribe to Magrathea: https://t.me/kekmagrathea

Someone should send a horse dildo to your house ๐Ÿ˜š

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