Personal interests ruined by trannies

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Have your personal interests been ruined by trannies?

ITT, please post your anecdotes and stories about how trannies have ruined your favourite media or hobby. I myself had an experience akin to that, and would I like to read other's accounts.

My case: Doom. It's one of my favourite games. I'm a newfag, so to speak - Gen Z, and has been in the "community" for it since I was 12. The whole thing is infested by Trannies since 2016. So, after Doom (2016) released, and the Doomworld forums got a mention, normies and fags from Reddit have stormed into it, replacing the old admin guard, moderators and most of the user base. The forum was essentially castrated, no topics which are "offensive" or sensitive are permitted, and everyone should pay their respects to trannies. Moderators are trannies, popular mapper and other figureheads are either trannies, or support them as well. It's a complete take-over at this point.
Also - indie games in general. I'm a beginner artists and wish to work on a game, and to familiarize with the industry, I have browsed communities and discord servers. Big Mistake. After 2015, when Undertale was released, almost every indie-dev and their posse are raging homosexuals, hellbent on making NES-styled "Deep" RPG's, or some comfy garbage Animal Crossing clone. I'm wary of going anywhere, if only to find helpful material, which in itself is buried under layers of meaningless discussions and chat flood.

I have a personal interest in wearing women's clothes and twirling around while looking cute in them. Ever since the rise of trannies, I can't do this without being labelled as one, and this frustrates me to no avail.

Mr. Schrute

1 month ago (edited by Mr. Schrute 1 month ago)

Nobody's personal interests have been "ruined" by trans folks. You are just a sensitive conseracuck crybaby who can't handle the presence of someone you disagree with in your community. The irony is stupendous considering this is the exact thing that right wingers accuse left wingers of all of the time. It turns out that this is yet another case of accusing someone else of the very thing that you yourself are doing. Also, videogames are for everyone, not just for you and your little posse of toxic racists. If you can't handle new members coming into your community and making the culture a little more palatable, maybe you shouldn't be there to begin with. At the end of the day, if you don't like your favorite things being "infested" by people you don't like, find some new things to take an interest in. Maybe things that don't involve sitting in front of a computer screen all day long. Maybe you should go outside and get a real hobby or two.

Speciality - go to this post

I have a personal interest in wearing women's clothes and twirling around while looking cute in them. Ever since the rise of trannies, I can't do this without being labelled as one, and this frustrates me to no avail.

This is something I'm more sympathetic to. My only advice is that when someone tries to label you as trans for having an interest in cross-dressing, explain to them that you are not in fact trans (if that is the case) and that you only have an interest in cross-dressing. They are skating on thin ice at that point and if they make one slight verbal blunder you can pounce upon them and smite them with the might and fury of a social justice warrior. Throw the whole little red book at them if you have to. It is not ok to assume that someone is trans based on their having an interest in something perceived by our backwards and barbaric society as feminine.

Mr. Schrute - go to this post

Nobody's personal interests have been "ruined" by trans folks. You are just a sensitive conseracuck crybaby who can't handle the presence of someone you disagree with in your community. The irony is stupendous considering this is the exact thing that right wingers accuse left wingers of all of the time. It turns out that this is yet another case of accusing someone else of the very thing that you yourself are doing. Also, videogames are for everyone, not just for you and your little posse of toxic racists. If you can't handle new members coming into your community and making the culture a little more palatable, maybe you shouldn't be there to begin with. At the end of the day, if you don't like your favorite things being "infested" by people you don't like, find some new things to take an interest in. Maybe things that don't involve sitting in front of a computer screen all day long. Maybe you should go outside and get a real hobby or two.

Yeah, miss me with this shit. I already have hobbies outside the net, of course. I'm an athlete. But that's besides the point.
It's also not just "a few members", due to political leverage, trannies gain a foothold in the community an instant they join it. As I stated about Doomworld, they replaced the whole forum staff with ones of their own, making it pretty much impossible to critique them, or say anything negative, without "transphobia" accusations. I won't mention much about the tendencies trannies have, I think everybody knows how pedophilic and degenerate they are; Half of what you said is a straw-man anyways.

Chlorine - go to this post

As I stated about Doomworld, they replaced the whole forum staff with ones of their own

I suppose it makes sense that trannies are so interested in the idea of hell being that they'll spend a lot of time there.

Chlorine - go to this post

I think everybody knows how pedophilic and degenerate they are; Half of what you said is a straw-man anyways.

My only problem is that calling them pedophiles makes no sense when there are no depictions of Christian Hell which say pedophiles go to hell.
The closest thing to any condemnation of kiddie didlers is Matthew 18:6 but it's not saying anything about sexual abuse of young people.
It says that you must make yourself like a child to be able to enter heaven and that the people who do so should not have harm come to them.
In fact the prostitute which helped the Israelite spies with the siege of Jericho was 50 and had been a prostitute for 40 years, do some math.
Maria the mother of Jesus reportedly gave birth to him at the age of 12. I have never heard anyone call God (or Joseph) a pedophile.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

My only problem is that calling them pedophiles makes no sense when there are no depictions of Christian Hell which say pedophiles go to hell.
The closest thing to any condemnation of kiddie didlers is Matthew 18:6 but it's not saying anything about sexual abuse of young people.
It says that you must make yourself like a child to be able to enter heaven and that the people who do so should not have harm come to them.
In fact the prostitute which helped the Israelite spies with the siege of Jericho was 50 and had been a prostitute for 40 years, do some math.
Maria the mother of Jesus reportedly gave birth to him at the age of 12. I have never heard anyone call God (or Joseph) a pedophile.

Big surprise, a collection of Jewish stories fails to condemn the practice of pedophilia.

Robert Adamant

1 month ago (edited by Robert Adamant 1 month ago)

Speciality - go to this post

Big surprise, a collection of Jewish stories fails to condemn the practice of pedophilia.

the reality of this obsession with pedophilia is that it is mass hysteria from the late 1990s and concern for it was nearly nonexistent before then.
The further evidence that this is mass hysteria is that the late 1990s were a record low for sexual crimes against children despite how serious and wide spread of a problem it has been portrayed.
To catch a predator didn't go off air because one guy killed himself, it was because there just aren't many actual predators until you start expending the definition to match the hysteria.

Right-wingers have to bring transgender people into "issues" that don't concern them or would otherwise have nothing to do with transgenders unless they placed themselves in the issue to begin with.

Psychedelia - go to this post

Right-wingers have to bring transgender people into "issues" that don't concern them or would otherwise have nothing to do with transgenders unless they placed themselves in the issue to begin with.

This thread literally has minors post pictures of themselves in femboy garb.

Check this kiwifarms thread, there's a story about a pedophile being defended by TWO mod teams of Doom related sites, and he'd only been defended for being Trans.

It's not unrelated issues - Trannies are the issues themselves!

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