robert sucks

robert ezra swanson 
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i hate you robert. โ€” links don't work when you click them. you have to copy and paste them into discord. sorry! :-(

robert ezra swanson is a stinky nigger retard and needs to kill himself. i wish him nothing but the worst and i hope he dies a slow and painful death. robert is a faggot. he roleplays as an eight year old girl, is cringe, sexualizes self-harm and is a retarded bitch. i think we should dedicate a discord server towards hating robert.


Robert Adamant

1 month ago (edited by Robert Adamant 1 month ago)

Sucks what.

"In Delaware, the age of consent was 10 years old until 1871 when it was lowered to 7 years old. Under the 1871 law, a man was given the death penalty for sex with a girl below the age of consent." I would honestly prefer this was the way we still did things.

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