8-13 year old boys

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I thought about it for a moment. What are 13 year old boys doing and how could that possibly be affecting girls in that age group?
Well I remember being a 13 year old boy and what I spent my time on was games.
I literally was exactly 13 when Minecraft came out and I started playing it immediately.
At the same time girls are just starting to be interested in boys but all of the boys seem to be preoccupied.
Maybe the problem for the mental health of girls is founded upon the quality of games that are being made now.
Quality isn't the right word because so few of the games these days are strategy based.
Everything is just fed to you and you get the feeling that you're becoming a more generally capable person.
The problem this creates is that women have to be even more extreme about getting boys to like them.
They literally have to compete with Blizzard for the attention of boys, and they aren't going to win that.
My sister in law even made a drawing where she stole my brother's world of warcraft because he would spend so much time playing that instead of spending time with her.

All this is to say I have to be talking to 8-13 year old boys, not 13-18 year old girls if I'm going to get to the root of solving this problem.
The goal would be to figure out how to get these boys to play a punishing game like chess instead of the satisfying fps games of today.

shut up tard


What happens when you get horny though?

xyadose - go to this post

What happens when you get horny though?

The thing is that when I would be really invested in a game I would never get horny.
That might be one of the reasons why it felt so fun to play because that feeling of horniness never showed up.

Robert, I did a little digging into you based on what these people have posted about you
How could you throw your life away at such a young age?
I had assumed you were older lol

noname - go to this post

Robert, I did a little digging into you based on what these people have posted about you
How could you throw your life away at such a young age?
I had assumed you were older lol

my life is disposable.

Robert Adamant - go to this post



noname - go to this post

How could you throw your life away at such a young age?

I slept on this question.
If I was to throw my life away for any cause it would be age of consent and child labor laws.
That's my reason for being. It's an injustice that needs to be corrected.
Sexuality, labor, and eduction are very foundational parts of life and when you deprive people of agency in these respects it deprives them of agency in all domains.
No child ought to be demonized for having sexual thoughts when everyone knows the age at which that begins and for good reproductive reasons.
No child ought to be considered worthless because they can be exploited like workers of any age.
It only stands to disadvantage poor families or people who aren't interested in intellectual labor.
No child ought to be compelled to go to school, education should be available to all but all this compulsion does is promote this idea that people are totally incompetent until they reach a specific age. This totally ignores the reality that children are simply desperate to learn and they don't need to learn what you think they ought to. Like any path of exploration it's messy and takes time. It also takes the voluntary spirit of inquiry and respect for any progress to be made with a student.

The lowlifes that ignore all of these points for the sake of some synthetic disgust are an abomination and stand to only kill humanity by their disdain for youth.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

If I was to throw my life away for any cause it would be age of consent and child labor laws.
That's my reason for being. It's an injustice that needs to be corrected.
Sexuality, labor, and eduction are very foundational parts of life and when you deprive people of agency in these respects it deprives them of agency in all domains.

Wow. So, out of all the injustices that exist in today's world, you are most concerned about there being laws against being able to fuck children? I'm glad that you're too transparent a person to hide who you really are, and for this reason I will choose to ignore you from hereon.

Psychedelia - go to this post

you are most concerned about there being laws against being able to fuck children?

Yes, reproductive rights are very important and that you think it's just some kind of casual recreation proves you wouldn't have a meaningful contribution anyway.

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