How to groom boys on discord to be gay

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Hi! I'm Jess and I will be blogging a very esoteric experiment where I try to turn gay boys on discord gay for me. For starters, you must first pretend to be a normal girl. So far I have around three subjects I am targeting. None so far have shown severe attachment. However, they certainly are desperate for play!

Note: I referred to them as "gay boys" that I was turning gay. By this, I do not mean they are actually gay, but instead just act gay. Hope this helps!!

xyadose - go to this post

Note: I referred to them as "gay boys" that I was turning gay. By this, I do not mean they are actually gay, but instead just act gay.

Reminds me of a certain someone…

Oh so you're a man trying to turn straight men gay by pretending to be a woman.
Including trannies in LGBT is starting to make more sense.
You just took the pink pill, gay tranny blog.

No, I'm actually a woman but I have a gay fetish. Ideally, I turn them bisexual and then get to peg them and dominate them in bed. XDDD

xyadose - go to this post

No, I'm actually a woman but I have a gay fetish. Ideally, I turn them bisexual and then get to peg them and dominate them in bed. XDDD

sounds like you're just dom rather than having a "gay fetish."

But I want them to crave dick :333

Robert Adamant

1 month ago (edited by Robert Adamant 1 month ago)

xyadose - go to this post

But I want them to crave dick :333

You don't have to work that hard, men are generally more fit and dicks are easier to fuck with.
All you have to do is convince the young men that fucking women is for when you're actually ready to be a father.
He'd then be concerned about what makes a man attractive and work to embody that himself.
It only gets weird if they start being girly to attract guys or if they never grow out of it.
In Plato's Socratic dialogs there are fairly convincing arguments that it's the most manly thing to do to dominate twinks.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

You don't have to work that hard, men are generally more fit and dicks are easier to fuck with.

Okay, so you're gay. You could have just said "it's because I'm gay" and have spared us having to read all that garbage.

Speciality - go to this post

Okay, so you're gay. You could have just said "it's because I'm gay" and have spared us having to read all that garbage.

I'm not gay. I love the pousay. I swim in the pousay. I lick the pousay. I want to put my pp in the pousay and release so much seminal fluid that it drips from the pousay.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

I'm not gay. I love the pousay. I swim in the pousay. I lick the pousay. I want to put my pp in the pousay and release so much seminal fluid that it drips from the pousay.

its gay.

This whole conversation is sus.

What are you fags babbling about?

Thanks for sharing!

Word of note: if your fetish involves manipulating other people then it has transcended into mental illness and should be treated as such.

A REBUTTLE, a REBUTTLE, I shout!! Thank you for this glorious counter-argument condemning my current craze! Manipulation exists on many levels. It may seem like manipulating one to act differently is inherently immoral, but I see it as a necessary sacrifice. We all know love requires sacrifices. So, if I can convince a man to be gay for me that's a sacrifice he's making for the sake of our relationship. Besides, if I can convince him to be gay, he must not be that straight to begin with!!!!!! It is less of a forced change and more of an unlocked possibility!


THANKS!!!! :33333


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