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you know, I thought about it. Everyone is accusing me of exploiting people but all that's happened is that I got doxxed, my nudes leaked, I was publicly ridiculed and privately harassed. I bear no ire against those who have participated in this but I only care to note the irony.
Also i am actually having a pleasant correspondence with a 10 year old girl from England who randomly sent me a friend request. She's literally just talking about how excited she is to go to the zoo, her favorite music, favorite video games and I share what I can about those things. That's why I was thinking about monkeys the other day. The conversation is pleasant because she isn't a degenerate and I have no interest being one either. Ye seem to believe that things being private means you can have liberty to be degenerate or that if something is not for you then it must be evil.
I asked her what things she's concerned with about growing up and becoming an adult and she asked what it was like to have a job. Not get a blowjob, just like an occupation where you get paid for contributing to society you freaks.
Thankfully, because I actually do care about people there are people who care about me and can tell me when you're talking nonsense. I'll trust them more than my self and certainly more than any of you any day.

Kek is a funny god and he hath sent a medley of jesters for me, praise Kek!

Okay, so somebody posted this conversation and I was genuinely shocked to read it. People are tormenting you because you're a literal groomer. Please fuck off and die.

>I'm the victim here guys
>I'm also grooming a 10 year old girl now

i made a 10 y/o gurl hang herself once but sadly she survived :(

Robert Adamant - go to this post

you know, I thought about it. Everyone is accusing me of exploiting people…

And rightfully so as you go on to admit in this very same post that you're talking to a 10 year old girl online. From what I gather given the posts on this forum, you are a grown man. This type of behavior is sick and disturbing. Please seek professional help.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

The conversation is pleasant because she isn't a degenerate…

Sadly this innocence will be long-since bespoilt once you've run her through with your grooming. It boggles my mind as to why John would allow a disgusting pedophile like you on the forum. I am well aware that he is a piece of shit but I never thought that he would be so much of an asshat as to allow predators to have a platform on his website. All I can say is that you're a sick son of a bitch. If this conversation was made with the intent of garnering sympathy, defending yourself, dissuading talk of you being a pedophile, or anything of the sort, then you have failed miserably. You are only highlighting in your own post the reasons for which you are universally shunned and condemned. Once again, I reluctantly agree with the general consensus on this forum, a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence given the history between this forum and myself. When even these people hate you, you have descended into the very pits of Hades in terms of fuckery. I never thought a forum full of people who think that racial slurs and horsecocks are funny would take issue with somebody being too edgy, yet here we are.

You're a pedder-ass.


1 month ago (edited by Silas (SCHNYDER) 1 month ago)

This wouldn't have happened if you worshiped Clyde instead of your false god, straight. You will find no mercy from us Schnyderians when the storm makes its landing here.

Silas (SCHNYDER) - go to this post

This wouldn't have happened if you worshiped Clyde instead of your false god.

I ask not for mercy. I do as Kek wills and accept that I must change myself according to His will. All is for Kek the greatest loaf ward.

Most people on here are pedophiles and have admitted to having underage girls added on Snapchat and other social media so who really cares

Aww yeee nothing wrong with parking in a middle school parking lot and jerking off to them hot 11 year old girls in volleyball shorts. I jerked off to hot middle school girls so many times.

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