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there is a lot of misogyny not just on this forum but elsewhere on the internet. when it all comes down to it, we're just people typing on the same website, so why do we always feel the need to segregate ourselves by gender?

Why do you feel the need to make known your gender online? It is well-known by now that we live in a patriarchal bigoted society that hates women, period. This is not up for debate. Misogyny is ubiquitous, especially online. So, simply don't advertise the fact that you're a female. You will suddenly find that you aren't receiving the same bad treatment as you are surely accustomed to by now. No more perverts creeping on you, no more discrimination, etc. You have only yourself to blame if, knowing the way women are (mis)treated in our society, you choose to present yourself as a woman online; essentially, the only place where you have the option not to.

Sorry, but I have to agree with Schrute. All this stems from having to flaunt that you are a female online, and if not for that, nobody would have treated you different in the first place.

On the internet, there are no women. If you advertise the only attribute that you see worth mentioning, then it is by your own doing.

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