Apology to esoteric discord

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Robert Adamant - go to this post

I don't have to admit any of your evidence either

You are appealing to a legal system which is not said to exist on this platform. In fact, the judgment is on behalf of the mods and admins based on the logical conclusion of this argument, and I don't think you will ever win an appeal. Your ego prohibits you from actual remorse, and for this reason, nobody is going to want you back on the server.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

2. My being is justified by my own convictions, which do exist and yet are not relevant to the nature of this argument, which is about rules that have been written in stone, one of which appeals to the laws of the country in which we both reside.

If you are concerned with the legality I implore you to help me by giving a better course of reform than "I hate you and I have reason to hate you because I hate you".

The Arbitrator - go to this post

You are appealing to a legal system which is not said to exist on this platform.

Exactly. You've bungled your case. I'm not going to roll over just because everyone else is incompetent. Especially when there's no soft belly of evil I can expose.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

If you are concerned with the legality I implore you to help me by giving a better course of reform than "I hate you and I have reason to hate you because I hate you".

Exactly. You've bungled your case. I'm not going to roll over just because everyone else is incompetent. Especially when there's no soft belly of evil I can expose.

Since this response consists of nothing more than outlandish rhetoric, I don't intend to entertain you any further. I have refuted any argument which you may have made in your original post, and it is clearly demonstrated that you indeed violate the Global Rules. Furthermore, I am confident that any person who appeals to logic will agree with my assessment of things.

The Arbitrator - go to this post

Since this response consists of nothing more than outlandish rhetoric, I don't intend to entertain you any further. I have refuted any argument which you may have made in your original post, and it is clearly demonstrated that you indeed violate the Global Rules. Furthermore, I am confident that any person who appeals to logic will agree with my assessment of things.

and hominem to you good sir! don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I love how people never substantiate anything nor feel any need to. They think that saying a bunch of words means they're actually hitting anything vital.
I'm being slapped by a wet noodle or a feather and it just tickles.

There are entire threads of pictures of your messages, not to mention your penis. I think there is plenty of evidence. At this point, it would suit you best to apologize for your actions, and not like the half-assed apology you wrote for the 3 girls on the server. You should apologize to all those who had to put up with you on the server, which is more than just those 3 girls.

KhalafReload - go to this post

There are entire threads of pictures of your messages, not to mention your penis. I think there is plenty of evidence. At this point, it would suit you best to apologize for your actions, and not like the half-assed apology you wrote for the 3 girls on the server. You should apologize to all those who had to put up with you on the server, which is more than just those 3 girls.

I apologized, my apology is that I should be revered and considered the greatest among all of you. That is a valid apology you are just too incompetent to recognize the validity.

This thread is such a fucking mess but it's clear to me that Robert shouldn't be taken seriously and you guys are wasting your time by arguing with him.

My ban will be seen as nothing more than inferiors being insulted for making their inferiority clear

both sides are insane as fuck. you've posted literal pictures of your erections and a video of you staining your table with semen. meanwhile in the eso discord, we're vibing the fuck out and ordering you pizza that you have to pay for. surprised that dominoes hasn't changed their policy of "cash at door". also love how this community is now getting defensive as fuck bcoz you've dug yourself in the hole of being a pedophile. looks like there's no backpedalling for you out of this pit of semen unless you create yourself a new identity (preferably NOT with shavian).

Robert Adamant - go to this post

I wouldn't appeal the ban because I already left. Elaine and Grant asked me to go back.

LOL! This thread hasn't been edited to censor this yet?


1 month ago (edited by KhalafReload 1 month ago) Moderator

justin - go to this post

LOL! This thread hasn't been edited to censor this yet?

There isn't anything to be censored. Names of members of the forum? Why would there be any reason to censor this?

Robert Adamant

1 month ago (edited by Robert Adamant 1 month ago)

justin - go to this post

also love how this community is now getting defensive as fuck bcoz you've dug yourself in the hole of being a pedophile.

Young people are talking to me. Pedophile is not the problem people should be worrying about.
I am literally trying to create a religion, talking to very agreeable young women would be the best possible way to do that.
I have no interest in having them genetically reproduce with me, I'm only concerned with them memetically reproducing.
So long as the internet is functional and I have a heartbeat I can spread quickly and globally.

KhalafReload - go to this post

There isn't anything to be censored. Names of members of the forum? Why would there be any reason to censor this?

I've seen accounts get deleted in mere picoseconds when they even mention you-know-who's name. I'm sure you know this by now since you are just a façade for him.

Robert Adamant - go to this post

Young people are talking to me. Pedophile is not the problem people should be worrying about.
I am literally trying to create a religion, talking to very agreeable young women would be the best possible way to do that.
I have no interest in having them genetically reproduce with me, I'm only concerned with them memetically reproducing.
So long as the internet is functional and I have a heartbeat I can spread quickly and globally.

..? Please debunk the time you were jacking off naked with a picture of a "young girl" on your screen. You've got a huuuuge erection!

Robert Adamant - go to this post

Pedophile is not the problem people should be worrying about.

We shouldn't be worried that you're a pedophile?

Robert Adamant

1 month ago (edited by Robert Adamant 1 month ago)

justin - go to this post

..? Please debunk the time you were jacking off naked with a picture of a "young girl" on your screen. You've got a huuuuge erection!

it was solicited, in context of the relationship not extreme and private. i have a huge erection because I have a huge cock.

KhalafReload - go to this post

We shouldn't be worried that you're a pedophile?

Because it's a red hearing. Edit: sorry mixed metaphors. Point is it's not the thing that would actually be meaningfully concerning if you wanted to have a productive conversation about any potential wrongdoing.

why come that robert doewsn't talk in his stupid bullshit language when he watns other ppl to underst and what he saysding?

Robert Adamant - go to this post

i have a huge erection because I have a huge cock.

no comment

Robert Adamant - go to this post

i have a huge erection because I have a huge cock.

dm me pics on discord: fiberpills.official so i can confirm

After having read this dumpster fire of a conversation, I must reluctantly agree with the forum community's clear unanimous consensus. This guy is obviously a disgusting pedophile, assuming the evidence posted on the forum is genuine. I understand and fully condone the administrative action taken against this person on what I assume is some discord server which lies in close proximity to the forum. What I can't fathom is why this man is still allowed to use the site. He has clearly broken the global rules as he has broken several federal US statutes which prohibit the sexual communications that he has had with these underage users. Having underage users around to begin with is a terrible idea, and a recipe for disaster, as can be clearly observed in the wake of this incident. Back to the point, there is clear grounds to ban this individual, and what's more, there is a moral obligation to do so. We shouldn't be giving pedophiles a platform to speak and defend their aberrant, universally shunned behaviors. I'm disturbed that this Robert guy can so nonchalantly sit here and defend literal pedophilia like it's perfectly acceptable and justifiable. It makes me sick to my stomach and I'm certain that even with all of the edgelording around here, I'm not the only one. If this person's accounts aren't suspended across the board, and for good measure their IP address should be blocked as well, then that raises serious questions about the intentions and character of the administration team.

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