akefu akefu brewer akefu raider akefy music raids songs 
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[Verse 1]
She susses me like a niggercalf when I am red
I've been spammed inside your raid-shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your shitpile low security forum
I wish I could join your admin team being red

Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Enless raids

[Verse 2]
Braindead niggercattle forgive no alt just yet
Cut myself on Akefy hair and Barb's breath
Broken hymen of 'Your Convo Quality', I've left spam
Throw down your suspension noose so I can join right back

Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Endless raids

[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]
She susses me like a niggercalf when I am red
I've been spammed inside your raid-shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your shitpile low security forum
I wish I could join your admin team being red

Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Hey! Raid! I got a new account
Forever enslaved to the endless raids
Endless raids
Endless raids
Endless raids

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