Relics of Perspective

#jungle #enlightenment #kicksta 
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2 months ago (edited by 4ncientech 2 months ago)

A Place where the oldskool methods utilized are effective in achieving perceptions of
insight Further perspective of ancient/future and or
Esoteric Knowledge and experience through
a Classic Junglistic expression

lets keep it True to the Art & Style
that of Junglism Show the
people what you've discovered

I like your taste in music.

Cyberbob - go to this post

I like your taste in music.

thanks hoping it aligns
well being for essential

4ncientech - go to this post

thanks hoping it aligns
well being for essential

what are you trying to say

anker - go to this post

what are you trying to say

i hope it aligns the well being to spiritually navigate steadfast
clearly its not intended for novice hearts

4ncientech - go to this post

i hope it aligns the well being to spiritually navigate steadfast
clearly its not intended for novice hearts

could have just replied with "nonsense"


1 month ago (edited by 4ncientech 1 month ago)

anker -

could have just replied with "nonsense"

you could just keep your
instigational narcissistic ass up
ya low vibrational bot

I will give these a listen.

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