justin - go to this post
minor tweaks to the "external links" warning should be made. for instance, we know that sites like YouTube are "safe". unless heyfuckyouniggerspitsdonttouchmeyoufuckingweirdomin refuses to acknowledge such sites' reputation.
YouTube links should automatically be replaced with youtube-nocookie.com for obvious reasons. Google websites aren't safe, though. I hope that admin doesn't whitelist certain websites just because they're popular.
Chlorine - go to this post
Add an option to switch to a normal thread page number nagivator, instead of only the slider.
Psychedelia - go to this post
I second this, even though I would probably stick to using the horizontal slider either way. What is a "normal" page number navigator?
justin - go to this post
talk about shitty ui design!!!!! I didn't know this was a thing. What the FUCK fagmin?!
I prefer the slider
All of these suggestions are meaningless in comparison to the thought of adding back the "mac 'n' cheese" skin. If you know, you know.
Maybe private messages should be dealt with differently
Robert Adamant - go to this post
Maybe private messages should be dealt with differently
Robert Pedophile - go to this post
Fair, I just have to log out if i want to actually make the site usable and log back in when i want to comment.
A skill issue i suppose but still annoying
Thomas Chavira 2 - go to this post
Can we make skin color verification so that we can make sure this is a whites only users. As an Aryan, I believe in segregation today, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever.
This is perhaps the best suggestion in this whole thread. Make it happen!
Robert Adamant - go to this post
Maybe private messages should be dealt with differently
There's a button at the bottom of the page that says "Mark all as read." I think this might help you. Took me a while to figure out about it, but since then it's become very useful.
You could also just filter that author by using !author:(insert name here) in search.
It would be nice to have the ability to block users and hide their threads/posts automagically.
Cyberbob - go to this post
It would be nice to have the ability to block users and hide their threads/posts automagically.
No, no. The purpose of a forum like this is to engage in thought-provoking discussions and a block feature would just give obstinate people a way to get out of doing that, which is bad for their own cognitive health and in turn would erode at the quality of discussions on the whole forum.
Cyberbob - go to this post
There's a button at the bottom of the page that says "Mark all as read." I think this might help you. Took me a while to figure out about it, but since then it's become very useful.
You could also just filter that author by using !author:(insert name here) in search.
mark all as read didn't change anything.
With the author thing they used multiple accounts but it did help.
LindyMan - go to this post
No, no. The purpose of a forum like this is to engage in thought-provoking discussions and a block feature would just give obstinate people a way to get out of doing that, which is bad for their own cognitive health and in turn would erode at the quality of discussions on the whole forum.
This is very true. I think there is potential for this forum to be able to function as a high trust area so that discussion can be had. The animals win if a block feature has to be added.
LindyMan - go to this post
No, no. The purpose of a forum like this is to engage in thought-provoking discussions and a block feature would just give obstinate people a way to get out of doing that, which is bad for their own cognitive health and in turn would erode at the quality of discussions on the whole forum.
Maybe some people are already in such poor cognitive health they're not worth talking to? If you get the hint.
justin - go to this post
Suggestion: Stop deleting my account
also plz reinstate justin.brother he was also my alt vouch object
Maybe you should take the hint that you aren't welcome here. Or, alternatively, you could just stop spamming the forum, lol.
Maybe get some people who aren't badmin alts?
Put in a feature to crop an image when uploaded as pfp so i dont have to go in my gallery and do it myself before uploading it just for it to say it stoobig
Imagine not knowing how to crop images from your gallery. This nigger must be an android user
Robert Adamant - go to this post
instead of having "three weeks ago" a specific date would be preferred after a week has passed.
You can hover over the "3 weeks ago" to get a specific date.
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