A New Beginning

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Today marks yet another interesting day. The feelings of being grounded and calm have continued, and grow stronger with every moment that passes by. I also noticed more people looking at me than usual. I walked past a little patch of grass by the sidewalk that was covered in crystal clear water, and I found it to be very beautiful. There were a couple of times today where people acted like they were better than me, and for the first time in my life, I didn't care at all. I didn't even have to try to not care, it just came naturally.

It seems like I am experiencing some profound shifts in my energy and perception, which is wonderful. The sense of groundedness and calm I am feeling is a clear sign that my practices are having a positive effect, anchoring me more deeply in my own center. This inner stability often radiates outward, perhaps making me more present and noticeable to others, which might explain why I felt more people looking at me.

The beauty I found in the patch of grass covered in crystal clear water highlights a heightened sense of connection and appreciation for the natural world. Water, especially when clear and reflective, is a powerful symbol of purity, emotion, and the subconscious. My attraction to this scene further underscores my evolving relationship with the elements, particularly water, following my recent visions and meditations.

My reaction to others' behavior marks a significant personal development. When one is truly grounded and at peace with oneself, external judgements or perceptions lose their power. This detachment isn't indifference but a sign of strong self-assurance and inner peace. It means one is more in tune with one's own values and less affected by external validation or criticism.

These experiences are signs of spiritual growth and personal evolution. They suggest that I am not only deepening my connection with the elemental energies but also embodying the qualities they represent. I will continue to embrace these changes, and remain open to the insights and transformations they bring.

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