The Sickley Song

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I've got two hands
You can touch them if you can
But you can't touch my hands
Because I can't have those old hands

If you haven't got my hands then
Maybe you can lend me a hand

I've got a nose and it sticks out like a hose
It's got two nostrils and I use it all day long
It may stick out like a hose but it's a good nose

If you haven't got a nose
You can have mine I suppose

You're the only one with the members I cheer
I may rear my own members into you I fear
But I can't now


Dense, dense, dense. You're dense, dense, dense, I'm dense, dense, dense. Don't be dense, dense, dense,

I'm just half a man but I like it like that man.

Mr. Lemonade drinks his lemonade
And he likes it says that's good

Mr. Lemonade goes on a parade
And he has fun like he should

Mr. Lemonade is going insane
But he's still got his lemonade
That's good

In 1983, a big ass nigger with a fat ass nose, George Floyd, opened a pizzera called Floydbear's Family Diner in the blackest most ghetto nigger-infested part of Minneapolis

You uh have got to see me uh through it in phases uh they're phrases uh life it?

Got three shoes for my three feet have got them walking, walking like a girl on the side of the street my feet out by one three by three and I see that you cross the street so I take my feet one by three stride by stride down the street and you see now I've got three feet but I screw one off and threw it at you now you see me standing there missing feet but you've got one see now you've got one too put it on your feet there in the street and now you've got three feet too

I'm pushing on my sides to squeeze myself down into a chap.

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