Nobody cares.
What you write speaks out to me, because I feel that I'm in a similar situation. Though I have one really good IRL friend whom I have known for over a decade. I lost two equally valuable friends when I moved away. These aren't solutions but here's what I did:
Played co-op games and got my virtual friends-list filled up, with like-minded people who are considered true friends, we chat a lot and play other games.
Got active on IRC in many communities that I am/was interested in. Over time I got in 20 channels on different servers and found many good people.
I wish I could give proper advice but I don't know what to do either. If you're distrustful and don't want "internet friends" then that's understandable, I thought so too but there's others like you out there, don't forget that!
marbles - go to this post
What you write speaks out to me, because I feel that I'm in a similar situation. Though I have one really good IRL friend whom I have known for over a decade. I lost two equally valuable friends when I moved away. These aren't solutions but here's what I did:
Played co-op games and got my virtual friends-list filled up, with like-minded people who are considered true friends, we chat a lot and play other games.
Got active on IRC in many communities that I am/was interested in. Over time I got in 20 channels on different servers and found many good people.
I wish I could give proper advice but I don't know what to do either. If you're distrustful and don't want "internet friends" then that's understandable, I thought so too but there's others like you out there, don't forget that!
I am glad that you were at least able to compensate for, if not resolve, the loss of your two dear friends. Yes, I am very distrustful of people in the real world, and for that reason it is hard for me to open up about myself in a serious manner even to those whom I am certain will not betray me! It is most irrational, but I do not claim to have a perfectly level-headed mode of thought. Some people that I have met in real life stem from the Internet, so I am not too weary of that, but they will nonetheless suffer from my problems aforementioned. And so, I am led to believe that it would be a disservice to any friend that they undergo the torture that is having to put up with my mental state.
Mr. Fish - go to this post
I am glad that you were at least able to compensate for, if not resolve, the loss of your two dear friends. Yes, I am very distrustful of people in the real world, and for that reason it is hard for me to open up about myself in a serious manner even to those whom I am certain will not betray me! It is most irrational, but I do not claim to have a perfectly level-headed mode of thought. Some people that I have met in real life stem from the Internet, so I am not too weary of that, but they will nonetheless suffer from my problems aforementioned. And so, I am led to believe that it would be a disservice to any friend that they undergo the torture that is having to put up with my mental state.
sounds like you need better friends tbh
Listen, son. Here's what you need to do, son. You need to go outside and make new acquaintances, son. Also, son, you can take a ride with me any time, son. Just remember that you're my son, son, and that it's okay, son.
just go out and fuck some bitches nigga it'll he alright
Both of uh the two of yous uh need to consider talking to uh some better quality stock like uh people if you know what uh I mean.
This isn't very good for any of you because it makes the feelings go in towards you have for space if you know how it finds.
Herodotus - go to this post
This isn't very good for any of you because it makes the feelings go in towards you have for space if you know how it finds.
I think I know what you mean but could you please explain? Or give sources?
None of you are real anyway
In uh us it's in uh you.
Jon Johnston - go to this post
In uh us it's in uh you.
I disagree
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