Coming out

gay story 
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Coming out was one of the best things I ever did in my life because now I can be who I really am. Not just coming out to my parents but to my friends and family as well. Now I don't have to live a lie anymore.

It's true that I am gay and have never had any sort of sexual attraction to women. Yes, I thoroughly enjoy sucking cock and kissing other guys. I have felt this way since birth! So don't bother telling me that I was socially conditioned to be like this.

So what? Good for you I guess. People should be able to do whatever they want sexually. Homosexual behavior isn't exclusive to humans, so trying to discourage it is a waste of time.

Ok nigga but think about the hot gay sex.

Gordon Freeman - go to this post

Ok nigga but think about the hot gay sex.

Holy shit, stop it with the image embeds or I will send the police to your house.

Longo - go to this post

Holy shit, stop it with the image embeds or I will send the police to your house.

What image embeds?

Gordon Freeman - go to this post

Ok nigga but think about the hot gay sex.

I'm going to latch onto your face.


7 months ago (deleted by Longo)

antichrist - go to this post

So what? Good for you I guess. People should be able to do whatever they want sexually. Homosexual behavior isn't exclusive to humans, so trying to discourage it is a waste of time.

Being gay isn't okay.

Mr. Epstein - go to this post

Being gay isn't okay.

Mr. Epstein - go to this post

Being gay isn't okay.

In case you can't tell already, I don't care what you think.

Faggot alert.

(me sucking dick)

FAG - go to this post

(me sucking dick)


L ratio gay people suck and qualify as 3/5ths of a person

fuckdagays - go to this post

L ratio gay people suck and qualify as 3/5ths of a person

Since when do they qualify as people at all?

oh nigga you gay hahaha

KhalafReload - go to this post

Since when do they qualify as people at all?

grow up

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