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These boards need to be overseen by a much more qualified moderation faculty than a schizophrenic who deletes posts at random on a whim. If this continues long-term, all of the posts on the forum will end up deleted forever. I humbly nominate myself for the position of moderator. I will enforce strict post quality guidelines to ensure that users do not powerpost, do not post off-topic in people's conversations, and I will discourage discourse which is counter-productive to the forum's well-being.

What's more, there needs to be another ad wave to actually bring users to the site. I recommend, unfortunately, advertising on 4chan for the time being once again. However, in the future we should look towards other places for advertising. This way we will get some variety in here rather than the same old tired nonsense that the 4chan washups like to post about. And a sidenote, stop giving these incompetent 4chan goons moderator on here. It never ends well. They always either do nothing with it or abuse it and FuckFuck the forum all around like last time. Anyway, I think we should advertise on other forums such as the cocklocking forum in order to get users of a higher caliber. That is, users who are accustomed to posting on a forum and who have the maturity to make coherent posts unlike these other retards. Having people who actually know proper forum etiquette would be the right thing in my book.

In the long-term we will need to assess the forum software itself as it's currently outdated, insecure, and feature-sparse. I've taken the liberty of looking around at other open-source forum software and I have found some interesting possible alternatives we may want to migrate to later on. The one which stands out the most to me is the "Tormater Forum Software" which seems up-to-spec security-wise and seems relatively modern whilst also sticking to the roots of what a real forum software should be like. It's still being actively developed and doesn't seem to have all of the features one would desire but once a stable build meant for production is released, we would do well to migrate to that clearly better software. In the short term, we will be forced to deal with this patchware of a forum software and try to close whatever holes do inevitably arise. We can only hope and pray that the red angry man doesn't make a return.

I agree with everything said in this post. The forum software is being rewritten in Python as we speak so hopefully that will resolve most of the issues at hand.

The forum seems to be working fine. Maybe you're not using the correct browser.

Longo - go to this post

I agree with everything said in this post. The forum software is being rewritten in Python as we speak so hopefully that will resolve most of the issues at hand.

I hope that rewrite is going to modernize the software and make improvements rather than just be a 1:1 rewrite of the existing software. It's good that people are working on the software and rewriting it in Python due to the problems inherent in PHP which result from its overall datedness.

Everything you have said in this post is just plain incorrect. First off, posts need to be deleted at random in order to prevent the blatant racism that springs up from users on this putrid site. An "adwave" will just bring in more 4chan scoundrels that are intent on spreading their bigotry online. Instead, we should source users from more trustworthy platforms such as 9gag and Reddit.

The forum software needs to include an area for declaring one's pronouns to prevent any further misgendering of users, and if you disagree with this then you're a bigot who should be put to death.

This is a complex shitpost.

Mr. Epstein - go to this post

This is a complex shitpost.

What do you mean?

So either this is all a joke or you're schizophrenic but either way this is just a reflection of your own mental insecurities.

lets be real. this forum will probably die. as I speak I'm the only member online.

fuck - go to this post

lets be real. this forum will probably die. as I speak I'm the only member online.

It's more active than it's ever been.

fuck - go to this post

lets be real. this forum will probably die. as I speak I'm the only member online.

It's not going to die.

Mr. Epstein - go to this post

It's not going to die.

well I hope not

fuck - go to this post

lets be real. this forum will probably die. as I speak I'm the only member online.

Keep your head.

it will grow if op offers to slurp original content posters

forum software written by white people and philosophical retards like mr. longo (more like log of shito) is always the niggerfish basic faggit move

This forum is being used as a "forum" of mind control.

One of the few things that holds this forum back from achieving its full potential is the ability of users to edit cascading CSS stylesheet rules


6 months ago Administrator

marbles - go to this post

One of the few things that holds this forum back from achieving its full potential is the ability of users to edit cascading CSS stylesheet rules

Very true. I shall add this ASAP

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