Official Fiber Pills Soap Opera Thread

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Hello everyone,

We are pleased to announce that there will be a reboot of the fiber pills soap opera arc on the official Esoteric Chat opera house.

I would like to give special thanks to admin mosley for allowing us to fuck around and find out the limits of our special effects and costume design.

Without further ado, introducing the main characters of our opera:

  • Justin - The predator here to meet a 13 yr old boy for sex and to do crystal meth with him
  • People VS. Predators (ME) - The protagonist of the opera
  • Male Storekeeper - That fat phuck asian cuck who kept getting in the way of the recording and exposure of Justin
  • Tammy - karen manager that demands PvP to get out of the store

And the extras…:

  • Random clerk - The guy who tells pvp to stop yelling

Enjoy the opera.

Hey what's up going on man?

I am currently looking for my fiber

Yeah, cause I gotta poop.

You gotta poop?

I'm constipated-

I've been constipated

Hey man you wanna have a conversation?

Hey man I can involve the police or we can have a conversation,

You wanna have a conversation?

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