Are you man enough for a penile implant?

cocklocking nsfw penile implants 
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Hello, I'm here from the cocklocking forum which happens to run the esoTalk forum software as well. Are you?

Cock locked.

Cock locked.

Someone neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds to sticky this.

oh my god mods please delete this made akefu fucking pissed the fuck off aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

zoy1488 - go to this post

oh my god mods please delete this made akefu fucking pissed the fuck off aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I'll lock your cock you yee yee ass impersonator.

zolly - go to this post

I'll lock your cock you yee yee ass impersonator.

The impersonators here are you two.

Below is some OC from my brother.

Akefa - go to this post

The impersonators here are you two.

Below is some OC from my brother.

its really small

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