Is Batman gay?

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Kraaf von Braun

9 hours ago (edited by Kraaf von Braun 9 hours ago)

Hello fellow DC fans. It's your favorite superhero analyst Kraaf von Braun coming at you with a very exciting question: is Batman a homosexual? There is quite a lot of evidence to point to Batman being light in the loafers. Let's take a look together.

In the movie "John Bruce Wayne: I am the Wayne," Batman transforms into a nigger and nigs all over the place. Since it is well established that all niggers are gay (see the term "down-low" for more information on that) then we can use this newfound knowledge to conclude that Batman is in fact gay.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's discuss the new Spider-man movie. I personally am not a big fan of Spider-man now being able to shoot webs out of his cock. Thoughts?

There is no such thing as a DC Movie called I am the Wayne. You are just a schizophrenic moron with no hint of reality.

GreenAppleEthan - go to this post

There is no such thing as a DC Movie called I am the Wayne. You are just a schizophrenic moron with no hint of reality.

I heard you raped Haley

Kraaf von Braun

4 hours ago (edited by Kraaf von Braun 4 hours ago)

GreenAppleEthan - go to this post

There is no such thing as a DC Movie called I am the Wayne. You are just a schizophrenic moron with no hint of reality.

Sorry Ething, but there definitely is a DC movie with that name.

Looks like your knowledge of the DC Universe isn't quite up to par. In other words, you don't know nearly as much about superhero movies as I do. Go feel ashamed now.

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