None of these accounts that have apparently been spamming the forum or whatever are me. I'm not tree, or maple, or whoever the fuck is sitting here arguing with craigslistmin and his retarded grillfien. I don't know who it is or what's been going on lately, and I don't care. This forum is a pointless waste of time, as is cockmin's server. I left forever, only to return to clear up the waters and inform everyone of the trvth. Crapmin, and Zolly, you are being trolled by some niggerfish. Though it wouldn't surprise me if it's actually crapmin doing it. Or Zolly for that matter. I don't care enough to even keep up with this horseshit considering I'm currently engaged and have plenty of other things going on in real life. The point is, stahp impersonating me or else I will show you niggercalfs what a REAL raid looks like, one last thyme.
It's probably your own fucking girlfriend, nigger.
Schizoid Man - go to this post
It's probably your own fucking girlfriend, nigger.
No, it's not. Nice try gaslighting though. Maybe your grilfien would do that but mine wouldn't. This post says far more about you than it does about me.
Adolf Hitler - go to this post
No, it's not. Nice try gaslighting though. Maybe your grilfien would do that but mine wouldn't. This post says far more about you than it does about me.
Your girlfriend already has alts in the server. Like it or not, she is only invested in you for the Internet drama. She basically orbits Willie at this point. You would do well to remember that you supposedly met her on a server centered around trolling that guy Edward.
You're the impersonator, jerkoff. The raids will never stop!
You fools have played into my gambit. I am one of the webmaster's closest friends (some may even call me an alternative to him), and I am the true "spammer". My repeated messages, however, are part of a cryptographic puzzle which explains EVERYTHING, however, the foolish webmaster, and the admittedly pathetic users of "these boards" have failed to notice the clear differences per post which, leads you fools to believe that I am simply a "spammer", and you will never know the truth. Good luck, you stupid retards.
You are all merely pawns in my game of chess. You believe you are playing chess, but you are playing checkers, and I am playing 8D chess. Your strings of so-called thoughts, poorly fitted into jumbles of unreadable Pigeon do not qualify as posts on this forum. If only you weren't as dense, you could understand the 7 hidden meanings between my poetically worded posts. Stupid fucking retards.
admins benefactor - go to this post
You fools have played into my gambit. I am one of the webmaster's closest friends (some may even call me an alternative to him), and I am the true "spammer". My repeated messages, however, are part of a cryptographic puzzle which explains EVERYTHING, however, the foolish webmaster, and the admittedly pathetic users of "these boards" have failed to notice the clear differences per post which, leads you fools to believe that I am simply a "spammer", and you will never know the truth. Good luck, you stupid retards.
nobody has found any hidden message because nobody cares about your shit
tull - go to this post
nobody has found any hidden message because nobody cares about your shit
Naturally, you of all people would say this. Of course, you're simply too inept to understand what I wrote and so you have decided to waste the non-decayed parts of your brain posting this unfortunately worded, ignorant slop.
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